Identify this snake

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Here in the N.E. corner of Ms. We have plenty of pit vipers and I'm 54 years old and have only saw 3 coral snakes that I can recall. I live in the hills and copperhead's and rattlers are mostly what I am suspect to come in contact with. In the creek bottoms and around the river and lake cotton mouths are more likely to be your best chance to find.
I once remember a copperhead that was almost 4' long as the biggest I've seen.
I killed 2 copperhead's last year that were too close to the house for my comfort. One was 32" and the other 36" . They have needle like fangs unlike rattlers, and cotton mouths who have larger diameter and longer fangs.
I have been wearing my snake boots lately when I am not able to see where I'm stepping. Spray for bugs, no spiders,no frogs ,no lizards around the house helps.
They'll move on to where groceries are more likely to be available.
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