Identity theft with teeth.....

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May 21, 2019
Hello all,

I have a thorny problem I could use some help with. I live with, and help support my two 70 something parents, and I work two jobs to make ends meet. I was at home on May 16 around three p.m. when my mom called out that there were police at the door to speak with me. I went to the door and the two officers presented identification from Homeland Security. They informed me that they had been contacted by Customs about a package I had ordered from China. The package was addressed to me, at my home address. They stated the package had already cleared customs, and had been delivered to me. I guess they operate in arrears?

They stated the package contained a machine to make a Glock pistol fully automatic, and asked me if I had received that package. Ownership of said piece is illegal for anyone without proper license. I stated I did not have said piece, nor did I order, or receive any such device. They asked me several times to just give it to them, and this is my “free pass”. They stated they would just take it and go. I reiterated that I do not have said device, and that I don’t even own a Glock . After this exchange, the two officers left, leaving me puzzled, and more than a little frightened.

1. I did not order any weapon parts from anyone. Plenty of other stuff from various sources, some from China. Mainly 3d printing and pewtersmithing hobby stuff from Amazon. But no gun stuff. I’m more of a revolver person anyway due to natural point of aim (for me).

2. The ID they presented seemed legit enough, but I wonder. I get so many scam calls and phishing attempts on my phone I don’t even answer it unless I know the number.

3. My parents own the home we live in. After some discussion they simply stated that officers are allowed to search our home with open invitation. This bothers me because the “officers” in question may not be legit.

4. What happens if the rotter who’s ordering this crap misses a shipment and comes to my parent's house looking for it?

And my paranoia kicks in….

I have never looked over my shoulder more than in the last few days. Ever. I’ve kicked around how this could have been done to me. All it would take is a last mile delivery driver that lives, and operates in my area to go rotten. (Or any postal person) I collect pocket knives, and for years I’ve attended gun shows. I’ve bought a few things that asked for ID, and signed up for raffle tickets to stuff. All this crook had to do was buy the mailing list from gun shows I’ve been to, and have perfect bang-on insurance that law enforcement will go full mental autopilot when they get my name due to other licensure/issues. He could track the parts en route, and when they arrive on his truck he simply drops them off at home. Almost impossible to catch. I live out in the bushes on a dirt road off another dirt road in N. Ft. Myers FL at the corner of banjo cannibal and alien abduction road. Every third weekend or so, I hear full auto gun fire within a few miles of me. How long before this creepheap buys more stuff in my name? I could find myself facing Homeland Security pushing my folks out on the lawn while they toss the house. Are they going to take my guns? I only have a technically obsolete bolt action rifle and a pump shot gun. I’ve heard such horror stories that lead me to think they might take my hobby shop equipment like my 3d printer and pewter stuff. The officers seemed unable to wrap their brains around the idea that anyone else might be involved. Over and over they asked me to give them the parts. I don’t have them, so all I had was statements of such and dumb looks. Who the hell buys machine gun parts and mails them to themselves? What person wants a full auto Glock pistol? It would be about as accurate as a crap splatter from a diseased goose.

What to do?

I know.

I know.

Don’t talk to the cops, and lawyer up.

Honestly telling them I don’t have the parts, nor did I ever is fair. I don’t, and didn’t. As far as lawyering up, I have $114 dollars in my savings. I would love to just move, and legally be able to say I don’t live at that address. But I don’t have the cash to move, and to be completely honest I’m not sure how my parents would do if I left. I feel like I’m trapped between a government backed Spanish inquisition and a hard place.

Houston, please advise…..

Please pardon my disjointedness in writing. I’m dealing with a lot, including sciatic nerve pain that hurts like hell. I'm sorry. And thank you.
They should have given you a business card or contact information. If you didn't get that, next time ask for it so you can have any kind of clue who you're actually dealing with at more than just face value. Homeland Security? If the package already made it through customs, it would be a BATFE issue and not CBP. BATFE is Department of Justice not Homeland Security. You're right to be suspicious and the way to resolve that is with positive identification of who they are with an address attached to it where verification can be made. Yes, you can hire a lawyer, but who is the lawyer going to contact? The mysterious strangers you described won't be something a lawyer can do something about.

I don't think you need to do anything about it unless something concrete materializes. If that thing is a verifiable notice, take it to an attorney. If it's more suspicious nonsense, don't hesitate to call your Sheriff and the only thing you need to talk about is the suspicious behavior -- you don't need to discuss your hobbies or anything else, just stay focused on what you know for certain about the suspects and don't get into any speculation.
Welcome to THR; sorry that you had to come here on such a bad note. With that said, it really is time to lawyer up. I know lawyers are expensive, but even a 30-minute consult can net you a surprising amount of information. One critical point here is that anything discussed in that consult is privileged and confidential. Things that you post on the internet for random strangers to read are not. Thus, I'm going to close this one.

With my usual caveat (I'm a lawyer, but I'm not your lawyer), I'll close with this: (1) Go get a proper legal consult; and (2) file a police report. Either someone's ordering goods in your name &/or you've got phony DHS coming around. Either one is worthy of local law enforcement's attention.
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