If 21 feet is the "Rule" for a human with a knife , What about a charging Animal ?

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I have been to training where everyone actually drilled the 21 foot Tueller drill. Only 1 % could actually get a good shot off before getting run over by the person charging at them. Drill was off set so the charging person was neither shot nor the shooter overrun. If you have the gun holstered with a threat at 21 feet you have a poor chance of actually stopping the threat without being injured yourself. With the gun already out of the holster you have a better chance of not being hurt and a better, but not great chance, of getting off a good aimed shot.
As others have said it would depend on the animal. If someone sicced a dog on me I'd probably shoot it as soon as I could. Of course I'm not talking about someone's chihuahua but a large dangerous dog. You very well might need to start shooting asap, particularly with a Pit. I remember reading about in the aftermath of New Orleans a couple of Pit's were attacking a bull and a National Guardsman had to shoot it in the head TWICE with a .223. I'm not the kind of person who thinks all Pit's are evil scary monsters (we had one and my fiance's mother has one, good dogs) but I do recognize how ridiculously strong tought and just plain bull-headed they are. I know I wouldn't want to wait until one was 21 feet away from me to start shooting it.
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