If gun owners were charged with accessory of the crime

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Oct 13, 2011
A law that would charge the registered gun owner with accessory of that crime. I have just heard this idea and it sounds interesting. Of course it would put a ton of liability on the gun owner, but I like the idea that that liability would efficiently increase gun security.

I think that is a much more reasonable solution than any type of blanket gun control.
that sounds like a horrid idea

a) i dont have to register gun in FL, nor do others in many states
b) if someone stole you locked car, got plastered and crahsed into a school bus should YOU be charged with vehicular manslaughter and DUI??

Hows about no...we dont compromise because they don't compromise...they just keep taking and taking

Why dont we stop beating around the bush and JUST BLAME AND PUNISH THE CRIMINALS THAT SHOOT PEOPLE
So some one enters your home without your consent. Breaks into your gun safe and takes your guns without your consent, then gets injured or injures others and you are responsive for their downfall?

I dont think so.....
I think I'm going to pull my hair out if I see another post here today where somebody is suggesting a new "reasonable" gun control law.
You are kidding right? Stop with the what can you do to appease those that want all guns to go away. They want to make them all go away! Do you not see what you are proposing? Why would you want to help them...?

Obvious troll is obvious.

1) There is no registration in the vast majority of the US, and I do not want registration.
2) As has been said, don't blame me for what someone did with my stuff. Blame the person that did something with my stuff.

Please stop getting your gun law information from CSI.
What if a registered car owner was charged with accessory if their car is stolen and kills a pedestrian, or another motorist, or was used as a get away car.

What if we start charging parents and grandparents as accessories for having children and grandchildren who commit crimes...hey I hear those North Koreans are big on that.

What if we charge everyone who had ever held a coin, or bill which was used to buy illegal items.

The problem with logic of blaming something or someone other than the criminal of accessory to a crime, is that there is no logic to it. The antis are all about knee jerk and not at all about logic.
They have this in some nations already.

The result:

Gun ownership requires a minimum income above average. People need a large safe of a legislative minimum standard or a vault, and in some places a government official then has to come out and inspect the vault to insure it is compliant before signing off on thier ownership.
Gun ownership becomes something people have to plan for. Instead of buying a gun and learning they have to commit to becoming a gun owner with investment an investment of time and money that few non gun owners will initially, so fewer people buy guns or become gun enthusiasts because the initial jump into ownership is bigger.
If I recall in Australia for example you need a certain safe for some types of guns, and an even more impressive one for other types (which few people get permission to own.)

This removes ownership for most young adults, pushing the minimum age of ownership to the age when people start to own a home they can have such a safe or vault.
It reduces or eliminates ownership for apartment users too.
This has an overall net effect of reducing ownership in general, and reducing acceptance of gun ownership or culture in the younger generation (that becomes an older generation of voters later too) which have little experience with firearm ownership because it is older people with homes and those out in the country that own guns and big safes.

Within a decade or two this situation results in it becoming even easier to impose even more restrictions on guns because they are no longer as mainstream.
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A law that would charge the registered gun owner with accessory of that crime. I have just heard this idea and it sounds interesting.
Actually, I think that it sounds pretty stupid, especially because it pre-supposes the notion of complete and utterly accurate gun registration. In the end, such efforts will have limited-to-no-valid return because efforts to correlate ownership of a firearm with control of how the firearm is used cannot be accomplished under a number of circumstances.....
I think I'm going to pull my hair out if I see another post here today where somebody is suggesting a new "reasonable" gun control law.

Notice how low the post counts are for most of the people posting these so called "reasonable" ideas?

I'm pretty sure we're being infiltrated. Trolling but with an agenda.

Companies do it all the time. They have a shill go onto a story/forum/discussion about a product or service they offer and act as one of the community and talk up all the supposed great things about the product. You also see them having people do the same spewing against the competitors products. The political equivalent is happening now.
I don't even UNDERSTAND the OP's idea.
If gun owners were charged with accessory of the crime
What crime? When? How? Why? What has to happen for the "gun owner" to be charged with accessory? Some guy living in Seattle Washington can be arrested if someone in Vidalia Georgia robs a Quickie-Mart if the same gun is used?
OTOH, I don't think I'd like the idea even if I did understand what the OP was suggesting. Move onb, nothing to see here . . . . . . .
how the hell could anyone think this is a good idea?

so its not bad enough having your possessions stolen....but now you are an accessory to any crime they may commit?

"yeah mr. johnson....we know your house just got broken into.......but were charging you with accessory to murder because someone stole your gun.....sorry"

yes, if there were some magical theft proof safe we could put our guns in, maybe it might not be a terrible idea.....

but there is not a safe on earth that cannot be broken into.....

even if i have Ft. Knox in my basement, i have to worry any time i leave my house for any considerable amount of time....

goodness.......does this apply to all tools, or just guns?......do i have to be concerned if someone steal a can of gas or a machete out of my shed?
If someone takes my gun without my permission and kills someone with it, they have committed TWO crimes - theft and murder.

This makes me a VICTIM of their first crime... not an accessory to their second.
I am going to go against the trend here and agree with the OP, with the following caveat: it must be proved that the owner of the firearm was negligent in the events that lead to the use of his firearm by another person to commit a crime.

Registration is a red herring, in how many cases do you think the police will be unable to find out who the owner of the gun is, which was used to commit a crime in the current situation? I am guessing not a lot, and in high profile incidents such as the recent school shooting...possibly close to nil. If ownership can't be proved, then so be it, the owner gets off.

If Lanza's mother left the rifle out for her son to have unfettered access to it, then that was negligent on her part. He was obviously a disturbed individual, she knew about this and therefore it was negligent of her as the owner to let her son have free unsupervised access to that rifle.

On the other hand if Adam Lanza had to break into a safe to get the rifle, that's a different story. She has then taken reasonable steps to secure the rifle. Same applies to a situation where he forcibly removes the rifle (or pistols) from her person.

It seems like an alien concept to some, but rights don't absolve a person of responsibility. Especially these days where it seems the individual sense of responsibility is pretty thin on the ground. With rights come responsibility, if you can't trust a person 100% to do as you would do with a firearm, why let them have access to it?

If you leave a gun laying around where someone of lesser morals (than what you purport the greater gun community is imbued with) can get it with ease, then you must "pay the bill" for whatever high jinx he gets up to with that firearm. That's a whole lot preferable to a ban on certain guns or magazines across the board. It is the most palatable of all the restrictions that could be levied in this situation.

There are no wins here, only losses. When the 5th mass shooting in a year results in 20 body bags coming out of an elementary school, something has to change. The preferred end point is denial of access to firearms by persons for whom such access is inappropriate and dangerous. I think in an ideal world it would be nice to develop the means to detect these nutcases and remove them from society.
But that is going to be a slow process with a questionable mode of diagnosis and reporting and also a period of latency whilst symptoms are equivocal.

So I think the OP's point is about self-policing of firearms by owners once they have already been purchased instead of making compromises on the other end which affect the initial acquisition (bans etc).

I know this post may irk some of the more vocal chest-thumpers. You may now commence flaming :)
Odd Job, what if i lend a gun to a friend who is also legally allowed to own guns.....and he leaves the gun unsecured and someone breaks into his house and steals it........is he in trouble or am I?

what if he (being a legal gun owner with guns of his own) is the one to commit the crime? am i still an accessory then?

this whole thing is just a terrible idea.
A law that would charge the registered gun owner with accessory of that crime.

REGISTERED GUN? I don't own any of those...

But seeing as this one is buried already, might as well put it out of its misery.
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