If we don't punish the anti-gunners in the next elections we are in big trouble

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Then how can you vote for anyone? Is there even one elected official in DC who is pro-2A, pro-abortion and pro-gay rights?

It's difficult to find people to vote and I won't vote for just anyone. I'm NOT looking for someone who is pro all-of-the-above BTW.
It's difficult to find people to vote and I won't vote for just anyone. I'm NOT looking for someone who is pro all-of-the-above BTW.
Without getting into what your other issues you are for or against, what do you do if no viable candidate matches your stance across the board? Vote for no one? Vote for a candidate you know can't win, potentially resulting in the worst candidate winning? Or compromise and chose the candidate with the best stance on the most urgent of your key issues?

I'm not trying to bust your chops, this is an issue I wrestle with during every federal election. No one matches my stance across the board. In fact its not uncommon for every candidate to be diametrically opposed to at least one of my issues. So I have to decide which of my issues is most important during this election and vote that issue. I see the most urgent issue in the upcoming congressional elections to be gun control and the 2A. YMMV
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Well, the next election I'll be primarily a 2 issue voter, the economy and gun rights. These are things that affect me personally. Probably gun rights will be given greater weight, neither party seems to have much of an idea about how to run an economy, IMO.

Things like gay rights I use to support to a degree, but they really aren't anything that I really care about much, and my charity towards more liberal issues that I supported out of idealism and a sense of fair play has waned significantly because most of the people that support them have absolutely no respect for many of the rights I feel are important, RKBA being one of them. Also, I find many of the public representatives and people that support these causes obnoxious, repugnant and self complacent.
within 50 years there will be no gun rights we will go the way of England. we have lost the war because people refuse to admit there is a war and will not identify the main group against gun owners and would rather be politically correct then win. as long as gun owners worship govt who spies on them passes the patriot act homeland security TSA and genuflects to police who enforce it all gun owners are doomed. kamikaze pilots had more chance of survival. the bolsheviks never give up never stop until they have all your money, guns your house and whatever else is worth owning
Without getting into what your other issues you are for or against, what do you do if no viable candidate matches your stance across the board? Vote for no one? Vote for a candidate you know can't win, potentially resulting in the worst candidate winning? Or compromise and chose the candidate with the best stance on the most urgent of your key issues?

I appreciate the question and the respect with which it was asked. I have three big issues (one of which is 2nd Amendment) that a candidate must have before I will vote for him/her. I will not compromise on these issues even if it means not voting. There are a number of issues that I care about but are not so important to me that I wouldn't support a candidate who differs. If the big three are met I will vote. If not, I go to the polls to vote on other issues if relevent.
Effective organization is what is needed. The balance of power is changing rapidlly in the United States. In a few years the White race will be a minority. It is important to become more organized and have a master list of candidates way ahead of time so we can effectivelly campaign for them and alert our fellow voting pro 2a friends and family, on who to vote for and why. Most folks don't know who the heck they are voting for unless it's the President or Govenor. Lists of Reps. Senate seats etc are needed for every state.
If we wait another few years we will lose the war, every election fom here on out should be treated as a battle, otherwise it may become a real one at some point.
Even the textbooks our kids are taught from have been re written, to make people like Paul Revere look like the bad guy, my neighboor "a teacher" was telling me that even Columbus is being painted as a bad guy, this is creeping up on us, and most of us don't even know the half of it.
Historically, Columbus wasn't a great character; going around claiming other people's islands in the name of the Queen of Isabella is known as, among other things, theft and imperialism. There is a difference between accomplishing great things and being a great person; after all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things – terrible, yes, but great.
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Question: How active is the NRA in getting out lists of candidates/2A supporters in the months before elections?

With all of these anti 2A politicians out here we NEED a list of candidates not only in our state but in ALL states. I would donate my heard earned cash to a solid pro-2A contender in another state for sure.

I hate being a one issue voter but what are the options?? It's sad but many people I've talked/listened to are single issue voters based on THEIR interests and concerns... maybe it's time for us pro-2A folks to be a little selfish.
That's key, a master list. Why leave it to chance, if folks don't know the record of the candidates in their state, "and most don't" they can at least be told who is pro and who is anti. It's about re writing history Solo, not about Columbus, it's the garbage that is being shoved down our kids and grandkids throats.
The administration is hitting on all fronts from banks to individuals and all businesses who do any financial dealings with any pro 2a businesses. We have to wake the sleeping giant, we had 5 carriers lined up a week or two ago, being overhauled in the same port, not since 'Pearl harbor" has this been allowed. There are people who are looking to dismantle the constitution in any way possible, they are going to keep pushing, don't stop writing letters, we must vote them out.
I can't do it. I refuse to be a one issue voter. I voted on one issue when I was young and naive. I regret voting for Bush and will not vote that way again. I cannot vote for any of the GOP candidates, who usually are more pro-gun, as they are destroying this country in the name of their corporate interests.

And that's why these people are in office in the first place.
It's a problem, but they aren't giving us a lot to work with. The people who get nominated is where the problem lies, you are voting for the best of 2 evils. I would rather vote for the one who wants American kids to learn American history. This guy is putting us in more debt than Bush ever could, and Bush had problems left from Clinton, who used social security money to balance the budget. We need better nominees, but it's all controlled, so the best we can do is choose the one who hurts us the least.
It's a gun forum so I will get back to guns, obamma was "bad" for guns.Maybe Romney would have done the same or worse but we don't know.
We need to tackle it on the state by state battlefield. Govenors and Representitives, so we have the majority of the House and Senate.
By the time the primaries were over we had no choice in the presidential race. We just got to pick what letter was beside the anti-gunners name.
if people think they can vote their way out of this you are playing right into their hands. the people have been betrayed by both parties. white people are being genocided by immigration and castrated by laws and sadly many of them support their demise. 95% of legal guns are owned by white guys that is why all these laws are being brought up. I do not see police who say they are on our side going after gangs who have full autos grenades laws rockets what ever they want
I am not generally a 1 issue voter myself but protecting our Constitutional Rights IS the issue now. If 2A falls, everything falls. This is not fear-mongering or scare tactics, its truth. Read some history, you don't have to delve to deep to see that a unarmed society becomes a slave society. The 2A is the only thing that keeps us free.

Sota, completely agree. We'll have to be 1 issue voters. The fact that Colorado voted anti-2nd amendment is a big deal and has emboldened other states since Colorado is seen as a pro-gun state.
So it is ok to vote anti constitution as long as one votes pro 2A?

2A is just one part of the United States Constitution and not the entire constitution.

Without the articles of incorporation there is no United States of America but just a well armed lawless land
That's kind of what it's becoming. The city dwellers juat aren't as aware of it yet. But this entire mess that we are is, is a product of selective enforcement and creation of laws that no one wants of needs. It's an effort to control the masses and leave them helpless should they really realize that they are being led down a road to noware.
Disarming them is just a final nail in the coffin of the "by the people, for the people" country we were intended to be.
We are slowlly being stripped of our rights and infused with aliens from all over the world who will surpass our current "Americans", who don't speak our language or share our history. Therefore have no allegence one way or the other to the republic.
They are easier to lead, because they are just happy to be here, and have no real idea of what the entire "founding fathers" thing is about, nor do they care about our Constitution.
This is probablly going to show up more in the next generation unless we can fix it now.
I am sure they will go along with anything as long as they can stay here and not go back to the land which they left. The difference is that our fathers and grandfathers, became Americans when they immigrated to this country, and couldn't wait to learn the heritage of their new country, These new folks for the most part, could care less.
But no one wants to do the jobs they do, it's been proven, when crops were dying in states where the illegals were not allowed to work, so it's a real predicament.
If one candidate is soft on immigration and hard on guns, he may get in because of the amount of voters who are sympathetic to the lax immagration laws and amnesty for the ones here. The majority aren't going to care about much other than Govt. assistance and immigration.
Just pick the most anti-government candidate, that one will be pro-2A and pro-Constitution. Problem solved.
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