If We Had a Democratic President

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Jan 2, 2005
Chesapeake VA
Hannity and the druggy Rush would have had a field day with the president of Vietnam being in the Whitehouse. Next year GW is going over there 35 years to late.

They would also be calling for his head on a plate over the Iraq war.

The Patriot Act would be called bad.

The latest BRAC would be called selling out the troops.

Also how about NSPS?? My fellow civil service employes know what I'm talking about.

Remember what GW said when asked about re-newing the AWB during the election?? "When a bill appears on my desk I'll sign it"
Let's see....

Your post is just about 24 hours old, and so far, no responses.

That tell ya anything Sparky?
Well, that may be because he is pretty much correct. However, he'd have had a lot more credibility had he left out the ad hom druggie comment.

Let's face it, conservatives would be bashing the Iaq war(they'd be wrong).

They'd be attacking the PA(and be absolutely correct).

We'd be carving up a Dem over any offer of renewing the AWB, regardless of the political realities.

All part of the partisan game of bread & circuses.
As I remember it we continued to pick away at Clinton while being scrupulous about not insulting our soldiers. It's an important difference, but we still didn't let Clintoon sail on it.
Are you kidding me? I was sure that we have a Democratic President now. Are you trying to tell me Bush is a Republican?
D and R exists as labels only. A group identifier if you will. It is not necessary to be on the left, to be a Dem, and it is not necessary to be on the right, to be an R. It is necessary to agree with your group on key points. Bush agrees with enough R's on enough issues to be an R. That he does not agree on much with one R, does not make him not an R, because he agres with enough other R's on enough issues to cancel out that one dissenting R's dissention.

Make any sense? I'm sure confused :D
C'mon everybody-the OP was intended to be flame bait and you didn't bite. You all really need to start taking these challenges :rolleyes: seriously :p
As a conservative I agree with the subject of this thread... :)

This war is a joke.
The AWB is a joke.
The Patriot Acts are tyrannical.
Our President is a complete and utter joke.

And I'm not joking. :)

Let's see....

Your post is just about 24 hours old, and so far, no responses.

That tell ya anything Sparky?

proves the point.

we also would actually care that the prez had been busted for drunk driving
(a felony these days), and we might even take into account just how drunk you had to be to get busted for it in 1976.

we might also have cared more whether or not and just how much the coke he snorted.

Ha! = however we still would NOT concern ourselves with the condition of the state he is from! heheh. Clinton man, how did the governor of the 2nd least educated state in the union get elected president? i mean i think he's great <ducks and covers> but Arkansas? come on.
You know, I wonder how many folks are out there, trying to stir up stuff on internet message boards, blogs, etc., to pave the way for the next presidential election?

Just looking at one point, sir...

By saying that he'd sign the AWB, when he knew that it'd NEVER make it to his desk, he placated the scared city folks. At the same time, the NRA, etc., knew what was _really_ happening. No big deal.
By saying that he'd sign the AWB, when he knew that it'd NEVER make it to his desk, he placated the scared city folks.

He also "knew" the Supreme Court would strike down McCain-Feingold after he signed it, knowing it was unconstitutional. He was wrong about that... and he could have been wrong about the AWB.

Playing political chicken with the bill of rights is no virtue, even if it gets you re-elected.
Ah, a typical West Coast Berkley person Oh, how unique(NOT). Amazing how smart they assume themselves to be while everyone else is undereducated.Espically(us peons) in Arkansas except someone like the GREAT WHITE BUBBA CLINTON. Having been educated and having in my hand a Doctor or Medicine degree(YEEE HAWWW) and being around the PhD Berkley types while obtaining that degree, I was always thanking God they stayed in their white tower. Pssst--------they can not function anywhere else in normal society and tend to be dangerous to the ignorant masses. One important sign of a truly educated person is realizing how much you do not know. Another is never forgetting where you came from. Or I can put it simply as the "ignorant " would------------You are getting too big for your britches, Get off your high horse, or maybe you need to be taken down a notch, or even better taken out back behind the outhouse. :D
uh Kim i think you missed the point of that.

first off- granted there are intelligent folks everywhere.

what i was referring to is strictly the statistics =

education is lwoest in AK, TX, miss, LA. sorry.

also i am not from here, nor did i go to school here. Come on= public education is a mess everywhere, the point was no one in America cares about the condition of the state a politician is from when they run for prez.

I know, i was a bit offhanded there, sorry for that.
i think you took that way too personally without considering the larger picture.
agian, i realizer part of my comment was a bit off, but the statistics show which states spend what on what, how the students perform., etc (and sorry but my experiences in the deep south also factor in)

PS- my data is also outdated, was from the time of Clinton election actually.
the rankings have changed greatly since, it has been some time.

CA is not near the top of the list either. i was fortunate to grow up in an incredibly well funded schoool district. sorry.
Since my momma raised me to be a fine southern lady ;) clarification of your statements are much appreciated and I ask that your forgive my forceful and most unladylike responses. :D
The basic problem is: Us Conservative folk tend to actually read the founding documents and not put a lot of authority into the Federal gub'ment in the first place.

The office of President exists to lead us in International War, make a few (relatively minor) decisions like Supreme Court Justice nominations and push a few items thru his/her "Bully Pulpit".

CNN fell in love with Clinton and turned "The President" into a celebrity we are all supposed to "follow" on every conceivable issue. What a load of B.S.
If we had a Democratic president, in 2000

Car bombs would be going off in Boston, LA & NY instead of Baghdad and every body would accept it (and Marshall Law) remember the whole country was waiting for the "other shoe to drop"? and it would be all the FBI's fault for not "arresting" the bad guys fast enough.

If we had a Democratic President in 2004:

We would have all ready "announced" our pull out date for Iraq,their would have no elections in the country or government. The 1600 + we have lost plus all the money spent would have been written off and left to waste away.
The secretary of State would be flying all over the planet "apologizing" for all the bad things we did and begging from Capitol to Capitol "please be our friend" and "like us" again.
Ah, if only Slickster were still at the helm.

He would have taken care of the 9/11 thing that afternoon and we'd be hearing no more about it. He would have launched a couple missles, blown up a couple camels, tucked a new intern under the desk and declared victory.

Why can't we have this great kind of leadership today.

If we had a Democratic president, in 2000
Car bombs would be going off in Boston, LA & NY instead of Baghdad and every body would accept it (and Marshall Law) remember the whole country was waiting for the "other shoe to drop"? and it would be all the FBI's fault for not "arresting" the bad guys fast enough.

pure comedy. what about a prez that was actually in OFFice instead of ON VAcAtion (for a record # of days), maybe would have had time to put some more agents in motion against the whole thing.

or maybe it was a planned vacation seeing how he knew he would be so busy once SHTF..........

martial law enacted by dem pres. sure. that sounds more like a cheney move than anyone really.
Let me guess... public skool grad? A mistake like that kind of makes it hard to take your messge seriously.

Minus anything intelligent to say you attack me because I misspelled a word, why don't you call Howard Dean maybe he'll give you a job.

Yes, I graduated from public school.

BTW it's message with an "A" in it :D
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