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C'mon! I am going to the bookstore this weekend, gimme some suggestions.
If you like good Sci-Fi, "The Boat Of A Million Years" by Poul Anderson really, er, "blew me away" (feeble attempt to make it firearms related). :rolleyes:

Your thread sounded like YOU were going to add something to it, another book that you enjoyed perhaps,that may be why you got the "what?" replies..:)
F Paul Wilson's Enemy of the State is similar to TMIAHM, and an excellent book in its own right (makes me want to search Amazon.com for the Book of Kyfho ;)).

L. Neil Smith's books are also very good and libertarian/anarachist themed, although I don't think any use a political revolution as a primary plot.

Don L. Tiggre's novel Y2K: The Millenium Bug is along the same political lines, though not as polished as Smith or Wilson (it was his first novel).

John Ross' Unintended Consequences is a great read, despite needing a better editor. Definitely look for that one.

Boston T. Party is working on a novel along the lines of Y2K and U.C., but it's not out yet. The working title is Molon Labe :cool: . Hopefully it'll come out in the next few months.
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