If you only had one choice.....

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Thats easy

Ed Brown Bob-tail Kobra Carry in 45... Not that I own one, mind you.
if i were only able to have one gun i would go with Glock 19 or a 23. either would be fine with me.
One gun? Have to be my Springfield 1911 full size. Been shooting the .45's for 30 years and have total faith in the round and pistol. Sure it's been brought up in the forum before but if by way of bad luck your carry gun is taken away most of the younger generation is used to DA first shot weapons. The old slab side has that dang thumb safety most aren't used to dealing with. Could give me the chance to reacquire my running mate while the BG is figuring out what's wrong with that ol' antique pistol. :cool:

Take care all
As a carry gun I tried just about everything from full size to sub-compact. Money wasn't a factor for me. What I settled on might suprise some of you, a 9x18 Makarov.

The reasons are as follows, in order of importance.

* unfailing reliability

* excellent accuracy

* reasonably powerful cartridge

* servicable 8 round mag capacity, more is better but 8+1 is ok

* size, small enough for pocket carry but big enough for a decent grip

* solid steel construction throughout for exceptional durability

* very few parts, I can tear it down and replace everything myself
A 4" 357 mag covers all bases. Could carry concealed if needed, good for self defense, can take deer size game at close ranges, no magazine to lose, and a wide variety of ammo at different power levels from target wadcutters (good foe small game) to full magnums. Probaly a GP100 for durability but most any would do.
Only one

Only one!!!!

A Smith and Wesson Model 10 in .38 with hollowpoints. Easy to use, easy to fix, easy to find parts, easy to find bullets, easy to reload. Now I carry a Glock.
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