Illinois House passes assault-weapons ban after Highland Park shooting

We are, and have for years been, in a real fight. 102 county state run by three of them. Progressives and other Democrats control all five arms of government including the governor's mansion, the house, senate, courts and the media. Yeah, in IL, media is as much a part of gubmint as the rest.
Lawsuits will be filed when his immenseness signs the bill.
My donations to ISRA and two other 2A activist orgs have gone way up.
Letters to legislators go largely unanswered other than "your comments are noted"/
Illinois and Cook County have some of the most stringent gun laws in the country. How's that working out? I left Illinois 17 years ago and will never move back. I feel bad for family, friends and law-abiding citizens in that state.
We will see if Scotus actually acts in real time (not years) and in an unambiguous fashion. However, looking at the list, once again, the plain Jane Mini-14 is a winner as are the Ruger 9m PCC.
We will see if Scotus actually acts in real time (not years) and in an unambiguous fashion. However, looking at the list, once again, the plain Jane Mini-14 is a winner as are the Ruger 9m PCC.
They will be added by default even if not named specifically. Semiauto “capable” of accepting magazines of greater than ten (now 12) rounds. Center fire,for now.
My employer moved me to Illinois and i lived there until i retired. Then I got the Hill out of that place.

It is so 2A unfriendly and just a costly pain to buy and own fire arms, and always seems to get worse. I live in Indiana now and couldn't be happier.