Illinois Legal Carry

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Illinois is not exactly a good place to push any of your rights. The courts and state government entities are not especially friendly to any individual rights.

Get away from the Chicago area and most local government entities are a lot more agreeable to individual freedom then the state itself is, and not just on the 2A.
The State is not interested in the opinions of the people.

This started up just a few months ago. The map below shows how far it has spread. The people of Illinois are sending a message. Too bad that it is falling on deaf ears.

The Free Republic carries this article about the resolution. According to the article, the meeting in which the resolution was adopted was the most heavily attended in county history, with too many people to fit in the courtroom in which the meeting was held. One Pike County resident in attendance, Pike-Adams Sportsmen's Alliance President Richard Metcalf, spoke eloquently of the meaning and purpose of the action the county took.

That drew an emotional response from one resident:

"This proposed legislation would greatly harm the citizens of this county, and we believe the members of our County Board are bound by the oaths of office to speak for us on this issue.

"The issue here is not politics, the issue is freedom. Freedom began in this nation more than 200 years ago, when small groups of people like us, in towns even smaller than ours, gathered together to tell the King who tried to rule them from a huge city an ocean away, 'Enough is enough!' Freedom will only survive today if we have the courage to do the same."

In closing, he offered: "In this room tonight we are not conservatives; we are not liberals. In this room tonight we are not Democrats; we are not Republicans. In this room tonight we are Americans."

The standing ovation he received was apparently enough to convince the Commission to overwhelmingly pass the measure.
I still have not located the full text of the resolution, but what I have seen is strongly worded stuff:
Now, Therefore, It Be And Is Hereby Resolved, that the people of Pike County, Illinois, do oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, and deem such laws to be Unconstitutional and beyond lawful Legislative Authority.
It remains to be seen just how far the county is willing to take this--will they stop enforcing any gun laws (since all are unconstitutional)?

I suspect we will be hearing more. In the meantime, it is clear that the citizens of Pike County are well served, by elected officials who are keenly aware of their Constitutional duties. Let us hope that this is contagious.

The above was taken from.
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