I'm new here. Hello!

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Nice to see a new member of the European THR contingent. Maybe we can try to teach these 'murricans some culture. (To the Americans reading this: I'm joking, I'm joking, hold your flames. You have plenty of culture over there. Oprah. Jerry Springer. Michael Moore. :D :D )

Adam, I am guessing from your other threads that you are interested in military history? Some of us up here in the far North still haven't forgotten that your grandfathers' generation helped my grandfathers' generation kick some butt at a place called Narvik. :)
Maybe make do with this one for now Bob!! :D

Adam-as I continue to ponder those things for which I'm thankful for(it's an American tradition to become nostalgiac at the year's end)I came upon your post. My heart was warmed by the photo of you and your beautiful duaghter, and your interest in coming to America. I wish you the best of luck in that pursuit! Sounds like you have a good sense of humor, which should serve you well at THR!! I look forward to your continued posts!
Adam, I am guessing from your other threads that you are interested in military history? Some of us up here in the far North still haven't forgotten that your grandfathers' generation helped my grandfathers' generation kick some butt at a place called Narvik.

Thank you for good memory, many Polish soldiers lost their lifes in this battle - Polish Navy lost one of the three destroyers we had this time. Sad that we can't stop the Germans...as always my friend for freedom yours and our - it's old Polish military signal...
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