Important!!! I May Have Your Gun!

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It's mine, it's mine.

At least, I intended for it to be mine. Does that count? If that doesn't work, could I have it anyway? I'll even offer to pay you for it, generous guy that I am. :)
Since you don't have the paperwork to back it up...I'm going to say...
"Where's my gun?! Come on!! Send it to me already!"

I would bet that you would need to prove it with some document, i.e. check or CC statement. :neener:
It's not my gun, but I have been wondering whatever happened to that $200 you promised me...

...Don't tell me you forgot about that, too!
Come on guys be serious Im still unpacking from the move and want to make sure everyone got their blue NRMs before I start...well maybe giving others a chance?
yeah i've already tried to see if WA has change for a fiver.... not gonna make THAT mistake again.

i guess being learnd and a college graduate makes a person all smart with math and stuff.
If it comes with a barrel, action, and frame its mine. :neener:

I'm afraid I'm a little short too..not the first time I've heard that...

Was that out loud!?!?!?!?! :D

Ken, I am still looking for two blue NRM Commanders.

Just talked to Ken and it is a Government model that he has........
If I can describe it, can I keep it?

Ummm.... lessee... It's blue, and um...
I sure wish ...

One of these times, though, I'll be on the order list. Kudos for making the announcement, Ken.

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