In the event of zombie attack...

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Ya'll know how serious I am about zombies aliens and mutant bikers.

I will state, for the record that this is a place for shotguns to shine. Nothing splats the shuffling dead like a snoot full of double-ought buck shot. Ya'll should keep some handy.

As for flamethrowers, they do tend to be a might indescriminate, unless you are say, clearing a street or large open space. In this event I recommend mounting the flamethrower on a vehicle. Somthing with 6 off road bulletproof tires and good ground clearance.

Now as for sidearms, you should pack whatever pistole you shoot best, but this is another category where hi-capacity rules the day. BHP with a 35 round USA magazine is just FINE for this kind of situation.

Me? I'd be packing more heat than Chuck Heston in the Omegaman. And perhaps a boarding cutlass.
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Definitive guide to Killing Zombies

Well, Obviously y'all haven't been reading any Laurell Hamilton books. She is a necromancer, or zombie raiser for the unitiated. Her canon is that even after being separated from the rest of the body, Zombie pieces will continue to attack you. Therefore I want a flamethrower and a propane tank to make sure I can mow down the entire tribe of zombies.
And to whoever asked...holy water is only for Vampires, and then it only frightens and scars them, doesn't kill them unless you immerse them in it til they are ashes, but more on Vampire killing in my NEXT thread
I can't believe that nobody has mentioned a Calico yet. Though I'd prefer one in 40 S&W instead of 9mm or 22. Still, 50 or 100 shot magazines have to be a blessing in the Zombie killing fields.
Or how about a 1921 Thompson with a bunch of "C" (100 round) drums? They could be set to semi-auto fire for the required head shots, right?
Haven't any of you ever played Diablo?

Blunt weapons do more damage to the undead versus edged weapons!

Use the ol' "Bop em 'n' stun em then run like hell" technique.

Maybe a nice polearm or staff with some reinforced impact points would be best. Either that, or a single steel mace and a sturdy shield. Maybe a pair of maces..?

Blunt all the way though. Cripple them and leave them in a heap which can be safely ignited later. If you use a blade, you end up lopping off stuff that may be able to crawl away and hide. That's no good. You want to be able to keep them where you drop them.

Method of zombie neutralization:

Wear a mask covering your face. Rubber suits are cumbersome but if you get zombie ick on your bare skin you'll wish you had one. A bright colored cape and jumpsuit isn't really helpful, but denotes you as one of the "good guys" to other non zombies.

1.) Break one leg. Don't matter which, they're slower than you. Use a long heavy stick with a hard sweeping motion aimed at the knee. If you're strong enough, you can break both legs with one swipe. If so, skip #2.

2.) Break other leg. They're on the ground and helpless, drop the long stick and use a hammer, axe handle, baseball bat, etc, to break the other leg. Break it at the knee as well.

3.) Use weapon of choice to break the arms at the elbows as the now prone zombie tries to crawl toward you. Getting them from the side as they reach for you is very effective.

4.) Use weapon of choice to now pulverize the hips and shoulders. This renders the zombie virtually immobile which is our initial goal.

5.) use weapon of choice to smash the head and torso. Do so until the mass is left quivering. If it appears it can still move around, beat it some more. You can never be too sure.

6.) Acquire a supply of flammable liquid and soak the zombie thoroughly. Leave a trail of fluid off and away from the zombie for at least 25'. This will act as a fuse and is very important.

7.) Drop a match on the end of the fuse trail opposite the zombie. Then run like hell away from the fire. You don't want to breathe that smoke. It isn't harmful but it tastes and smells really bad.

For multiple zombies, deal with them the same way. Try taking them down one at a time. Make sure to keep count, you don't want any getting away.
Lab; No this is absolutly non-Romero, and I for one will have nothing to do with your brutal Zombie dealing methods. Give me my BOOMSTICK and chainsaw every time:D Holly; I tried to read Laurell H. and was having fun, untill she turned it into a Gay-threesome Sopeopera....YUCK...PPTTTTOOOIEE....BARF. What is it with these chicks; keep the gay sex lovin vampires out of my Zombie fiction.:barf:
Dang it, guys!!!!

Now i gotta go buy some more ammo at Wally's world!!!
And I am getting ready to got to the Vegas gunshow in a couple of, foremost on my mind when shopping the aisles of wood, steel and polymer will be.....would this be anygood for zombies? Hahaha
Truthfully, I find myself under gunned at the moment. All my .45's, mags and ammo will come with me as i venture to a store to acquire a decent shoulder gun(one is on my list for the show...I miss my safely stashed AK!), a reliable, high cap box fed semi...probably an AK. Then I'd have to get a 12 gauge for the car, and ALOT of ammo as I am hitting the paved ribbon, beatin' feet, making a tactical withdrawal Elsewhere.
I guess is depends on how much the 'virus' has spread....but if it is major, a trip to a military armory is in order for better tools and a HumVee.
If I was having to hunt them, a pair of my favorite .45's, a HK UMP(I know where one is!) and lots of mags would be my carry gear, a big blade is a nice idea...but if I screw up and they get that close...tryng to take on multiple targets that only have to bite me once with a blade....does not sound like a real keen situation. The vehicle would be my ammo and weapons carrier and it would get well stocked.....
ATF....? Who invited them to this fantasy nightmare?
OOOOOh I like that saw!:D But I think you'd have to carry around too much gas. Naw, just gimi a regular husky, and a good ithaca 37-DS police. Mines got a sure-fire forstock and a chote side-folder, the giles sling keeps me able to unlimber "Otis" my saw:D . A nice big sack of oobuck, and Bob's yer uncle baby!:D :D :D
dustind looked at my Stihl 046 and said:

"That's not a chainsaw. This is a chainsaw."

But aren't we mixing movie genres here? Chainsaws are dangerous; I'll stick to shotguns and flamethrowers :evil:
Flamethrowers? Shotguns?

Hmmmm. Repeating shotgun with Dragon's Breath? Sounds good to me.
I like flamethrower idea. Not only would I be able to toast them but it would be Steak Zombie Diane with a little bit of Essence, garlic and pepper.

A guys gotta eat! :)

My tin foil hat would double as a food storage container for Zombie left overs.
'nuff said:

NOklue; you need to see "return of the living dead" thats the ending:D

Balistic: In the next living dead kinda sorta remake "dawn of the dead" with Ving Rhames, the survivors cobble together some sort of anti zombie armored car, maybe you should call e'm. ;)

I'm even starten to think that, for a guy who doesnt even watch the news, I know WAAAAAY too much about zombie movies:evil:
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