In the Fight Against Terrorism, Some Rights Must Be Repealed

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And make no mistake, neither the so-called "Democrats" nor Mr. Bush and his so-called "republicans" have not had, or have, any intention of mobilizing the obvious counter to this possibility - the unorganized militia.


All rights are GOD given or if you prefer Inherent. They are always at risk of being denied by someone who has more power/strength than you do. Our Constitution does not "grant" any rights to anyone, it simply guarantees that the Federal Government will not infringe on them. The right of self defence is as basic as food and shelter (which are not rights, BTW). Before the invention of the firearm, the little guy was at the mercy of anyone stronger than he. The Constitution itself provides for amending by a Super majority (either 3/4 or 2/3)of congress and ratified by a majority of states through referendum. Repealing a right guaranteed by the Constitution, though difficult (the framers of the Constitution designed it that way) is definitely accomplishable. If we lose our gun rights we will always be "the little guy" to the government. "Fear the government that fears your gun".
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