Inexpensive flintlocks...

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Jan 20, 2003
What can you guys tell me about the more inexpensive flintlocks like Traditions or CVA?
The only flintlock I've owned was a Lyman. I would buy another - that rifle ignited instantaneously when I pressed the trigger. Sharp flint & pinch of powder was as reliable any cartridge gun I've owned.

However, my dad is looking for a flintlock to get into muzzloader hunting. I'm thinking I might do some shopping around and try to get him one for his birthday, but I don't think I can swing a Lyman or T/C. What's the experience on the more low budget flintlocks?
He's not likely to shoot one like I would - meaning he'll probably be lucky to shoot more than a hundred or so shots out of it the whole time he owns it. He just really likes to hunt and I want to do something for him to thank him for being such a great father.

Any insight would be appreciated.
Entry Level Flintlocks

I have a Lyman .54 flinter which is accurate, powerful and reliable (once you get the chanting and praying down which are part of the flintlock ritual).

I had a TC Hawken which I sold to to kwhi43. TCs are elegant, Powerful, and I suspect accurate although I did not shoot mine extensively. TC also has one of the best warranty policies in the business.

People will tell you that quality is really important in a flinter and I am not arguing with that point, however, I got both of mine for about 1/3 of the price or a new rifle. When people go to sell flinters they can be hard to move and a reduced price is not uncommon.

Good Luck and I can guarantee that your father will be happy with either of the rifles that you mentioned.

I'd vote with Higene on this. The Lyman rifles are good quality for the money. In my experience, the Traditions and CVA flintlocks don't hold up well in extended use (my experience is with older models, so they may have improved).
If you get a good flintlock, you'll enjoy shooting it. If you get a cheap one, you may end up swearing off muzzleloaders for good.
BTW, I get faster ignition and less of a flash near my face with a PINCH of powder in the pan. If you fill the pan with powder, it will take appreciably longer for the powder to burn down to the vent (touch-hole).
I have a Traditions PA Pellet. I will not use pellets in it, and the reason I bought that one, is because it is one of the few with a removable breach plug. Now that I hardened the frizzen with Kasenit, and use only English flints, I Have a very reliable flinter. They do come with fiber optic sights, which might not sit well with the "purists".
Now's the time to check with your pawn shops for used but serviceable Lyman rifles, as Taxes just came due, and lots of guns end up being pawned/sold for tax bills every year. A used Lyman would be a good bet. You can't really skimp on flinters, and get something reliable, and if not reliable you get a frustrated shooter.

You might check the Traditions site as they have a half-stock traditional plains rifle, on the Austin Halleck style, that might be affordable. Otherwise, shop second hand.

I would try that... but I've never been to a pawn shop. They don't exist here. :(

But a used Lyman will likely be the best bet. I wanted this to be a surprise, but I almost wonder now if I'm not going to have to just go shopping with him and see what he wants.
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