Interesting Contrasts in Britain

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Nov 16, 2005
weblinks at

June 26, 2006
Britain: 'National Respect' or 'Bill of Rights'
Labour Pushes 'anti-social' behaviour -- Conservatives want 'Bill of Rights'

David Cameron
The BBC reports, "A national 'respect squad' is being launched by John Reid to help in the battle against anti-social behaviour. Local councils, MPs and police chiefs will be able to call in the squad to help tackle cases of "yobbishness". The squad, which will work across Wales and England, consists of 10 frontline local authority and police staff.

"The home secretary said: "The government's new respect squad will ensure there is no let up in tackling anti-social behaviour."

The Home Office defines 'anti-social behaviour as"

* "nuisance neighbours
* "rowdy and nuisance behaviour
* "yobbish behaviour and intimidating groups taking over public spaces
* "vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
* "people dealing and buying drugs on the street
* "people dumping rubbish and abandoning cars
* "begging and anti-social drinking
* "the misuse of fireworks

"Anti-social behaviour doesn't just make life unpleasant. It holds back the regeneration of disadvantaged areas and creates an environment where more serious crime can take hold.

"On any measure of polling or survey, anti-social behaviour matters - it has a negative effect on far too many people’s quality of life. We are commited to tackling this problem."

The British Newspaper, the Telegraph reports, David Cameron leader of the British Conservative Party has committed the Conservative party to replacing the Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights, Britain's first such document for 300 years. The Bill, spelling out clearly the rights and responsibilities of all British citizens, will form a "landmark in our constitution and our legislation" and make the country a better place to live, the Tory leader said today.

"In a speech at the Centre for Policy Studies in London, he condemned the Human Rights Act as "inadequate", blaming it for hindering the fight against crime and terrorism and creating a culture of rights without responsibilities."

The Telegraph reports, "The Sunday Telegraph has launched a campaign to Make Britain Safe, prompted by the government's failure to tackle violent crime. Other countries have successfully fought back against murderers, rapists and muggers: America's crime rate, for instance, has fallen to the level it was at 50 years ago.

"It is time for Britain to reverse its slide into a society cowed by a violent minority.

"The Sunday Telegraph has commissioned David Green, a leading expert on crime, punishment and rehabilitation to write a manifesto for radical law and order reform."


In reading the various articles on this, it is interesting that even the British Conservatives don't mention the concept of self defense as an accepted means of fighting crime.

As the Brits have basically moved toward a society of 'sheep', it is strange that they now cower in fear from wolves.


Just a rehash of NYC's zero tolerance "broken windows" policing. Was correlated with quite a nice drop in violent crime ther. Causation is hard to prove of course but if England undergoes the same change the circumstantial evidence will be hard to ignore that this kind of basic low-level petty crime enforcement might just help to prevent the bigger crimes.

Time will tell, but nothing new or particularly national psyche-related here.
I loved it when the NYC cops confiscated boom boxes on the subway.

Now they have a subway 'anti-grope' task force. Grope a cop, go to jail.
Its all yet another ploy to avoid doing the one thing in criminal justice that is amply and conclusively demonstrated to work - build, and fill, more prisons.

It may surprise you all to know that, while you yourselves have (apparently) two million prison spaces, we have 80,000, and even that piffling amount is continually under attack from the anti-prison brigade.
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