Interesting game camera photo

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Photoshop pictures notwithstanding, if you're afraid of being in the bush due to what you may find there, stay home.
You can do what you please, friend. I'll watch where I step myself. I've seen the results of a major envenomation both before state of the art medical treatment and afterward.

At present, the state of the art in medical treatment for venomous snake bites is something to avoid if at all possible. Trust me.

I've handled and owned several species of boas. I've caught and handled several timber rattlers though I didn't keep them captive. They were released. The head of the snake in the photograph looks like a timber rattler's would look from the apparent angle of the camera.
The only rattlers we have around here are timber, and that is not one. There are several round-ups each year and I have seen all the color phases and never saw one like that.

guys, come on, its a fake! its a real snake with a doe photoshoped in.


why hasnt anyone noticed this besides me? :banghead:
snakes alive!

We get more than our share of poisionus snakes here in Australia and that is why a lot of guys won't hunt in summer, too dangerous in some areas. We don't see much of them when it's cold though. Mick.
Sure if you smothered it in Duck sauce......everything in duck sauce tastes like chicken. :cool:
I sharpened it up a bit, and added a touch of contrast, but the original image was pretty pixelated.....


According to Peterson's field guide the markings are perfectly consistent with a timber rattler, including the lack of head markings. Peterson's lists 36-54 inches, with the record being 74 inches.

I'd say it's a timber rattler.

I'm no rattlesnake expert, but the way the snake is draped over the one branch makes me suspicious. Most snakes really hug the ground. And as mentioned before, it's very very straight.

Hard to say, but it's definitely an interesting conversation starter.


  • allison_stand__jenkins_field.jpg
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I am glad somebody besides me can tell the doe is the same in both pics. And I got no clue what kinda snake it is.

one shot one kill
Yep, a Boa Constrictor. Friendly and good pets. I kept a couple for 5-7 years, then donated them to the San Antonio Zoo. I had a big custom cabinet built for them while I owned them. Also owned a ball python, a burmese python (not friendly that one...) and an green iguana named "Ig".

don't have any reptiles anymore, now I like guns... :)
Someone here said that they "never coil up unless agrivated" untrue. They coil up beside trails, logs and etc waiting on prey also. I Have found a couple coiled up near my feeders, apparantly waiting on a meal. Q stick takes care of them quite well.:D
Comparison time.

The snake in the image above

A timber rattler

A red tailed boa:


  • boa_one.jpg
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  • Rattler01.jpg
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I can't believe you guys are happy to go trotting around the woods with things like that crawling about. New Zealand is one of the few places in the world without any snakes at all (apart from the political critters that are disturbingly snake-like) ..... which is a powerfully compelling reason to be here as far as I'm concerned!!!

There's no way you'd get me out in the woods if I thought even one of those things was about. :uhoh:

Why assume photoshop is the only way to fake?

Just pose a snake in front of the game camera. Any game photo you take will include a big wicked snake in the foreground... no photochop, no computer skills, no nuthin. Oh, helps if it is a rubber snake....

My first thought was it looks just like a boa...and rubber boas are sold at most zoos and quite a few other shops... but the markings are closer to the timber rattler. Amusing photo anyway.
I know anything can be done on computers, but I personally dont think this is a fake. The deer is real and so is the snake. It would be very difficult to photoshop the snake in, hiding it under the leaves and twigs...same goes for the deer, it would be hard to put the twigs in front of the deer's legs. It's amazing...the forum starts out asking about the snake, but before it's all said and done, people are saying the deer is photoshopped. As for what kind of snake it is, if only the tail was visible, it would have saved a lot of people distress over the species. After looking at the comparison above, I also think it is a timber rattler.
I'm going with rgs. Too many sticks, etc in front of snake and doe.

Also, I am not suprised the flash washes out some color.
Its a Boa Constrictor, no question. Anybody that knows anything about keeping snakes would know. I kept them for many years.

When a movie needs to have a "deadly snake" in some scene, they usually use a boa constrictor, which is not deadly at all, and non-poisonous. No fangs. The movie people assume (correctly) that the majority of viewers won't know the diff.
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