Interesting story.

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Jan 15, 2003
Long Island, NY
I was reading an account of a holdup in The Bronx,NY. Three young men, two carrying guns, went into a Spanish grocery store with guns drawn. Two Spanish workers were behind the counter. One was in his early twenties and the other was in his mid sixties. The one in his sixties pulled an unlicensed 22 revolver out from the counter and fired off a couple of shots. He managed to hit one of the bad guys and they all ran out. The guy he shot took the hit in the shoulder and collapsed outside and died.
Now consider this, if it had been a more powerful caliber, he might have survived as it would probably have passed thru or just lodged there. While they did not report an autopsy report,
the .22 probably tossed around inside and did fatal damage.

On another point, this store is located in a tough, poor neighborhood and had been held up several times before. The sixty year old is probably going to be charged on a misdeamor of having an unregistered gun and discharging it. Hopefully that is all, but if he didn't have it and used it, he could be dead. As we all know, cops get there after the crime so you have to look out for yourself. With that in mind, if any businessman has been held up, he should be entitled to have a licensed gub on the premise to protect himself. It would probably cut down on crime and at least even up the odds.

My main point, a tip of the hat to the not so puny .22
Everyone knows that if the store owner would have used a .45, it would have sheared the bad guy in half. LOL. I love the caliber debates. In the end, it is shot placement that counts. Very strange that a shoulder shot killed the BG. It must have deflected off a bone somewhere and travelled through some vitals.
I read on another board, that the police also arrested the 22 year old just for being there. I don't know exactly what the "real" story is, but it definately is an interesting one.
A friend who's father is a coroner once reported that .22 occasionally does horrific internal damage due to a tendancy to "bounce around" in the rib cage.

But this is nothing to rely on. Obviously, .22 has a hard time going through bone, so chance is a big factor. Also, will the fatal zig zag initially incapacitate, which is reason for firing in the first place.

I've carried a .22 for CCW, mainly because it's fractionally better than knife.

In the end, .22 is a better tool for assasination than defense. It may kill, but on its own timeline.
I once covered a shooting where the vic had been shot in the buttoks with a .22lr. The round ended up in his chest cavity after severing his aorta. Needless to say it was a fatal.

Still wouldn't rely on a .22 unless I absolutely had to.
Ordinary people in NYC are not permitted to harm criminals and holdup artists. After all, crime is the city's only growth industry, unless you count writing fiction for the New York Times.

It bugs me that the New York press keeps calling the victim of the robbery a "vigilante." Self-defense isn't vigilantism; don't these people know how to use a dictionary?
If this is the same guy I heard abpout on the news yesterday, he's a 69 Y.O. hispanic guy who has lived legally in this country for 25 years. INS now wants to deport him for his 'crimanl actions. He has no prior arrest records that I'm aware of, but wiht all this 'homeland security' ca-ca, they're jumpiong on any immigrant who does anything worng.

Seems to me, the three puinks are the ones who need deporting, the old guy deserves a public service award. :barf: :barf: :barf:
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