interesting treatment of "preparedness" in alaska on abc nightline

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I could not figure out why Tabasco sauce was mentioned although we do use it on and off with our dinner. Is the towel mentioned for bathing or what?

Sometimes the comments and abbreviations on 'boards' leave a person wondering what was 'meant' by the poster. Not everyone uses such terms or slang or they use the abbreviation with an "= sign" for the real meaning. NO offense.

So the point of the towel is what? The T. sauce is if someone has some cat meat (UGH!) or what now?

Confused Catherine
I think the towel part is a reference to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, either that or south park.

I think the towel part is a reference to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, either that or south park.


Thanks but I still do not 'get it' or understand the towel part. I never saw South Park (I think it is a cartoon show because I heard about it.) and I never saw the galaxy movie.

I do not have television reception here in the valley. No connection on purpose. I used to have television reception and I do rent some 99 cents movies but I still do not understand what the poster or phrase means.

Confused and not 'hip' (?!?) Catherine
The towel part:

/The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/ is a book, or rather the first in a series, written in 1979 by Douglas Adams.

If you like very dry, odd, spacey British humor, it is a must read. The main character is one of only two survivors of the planet earth after it is demolished to clear the way for an intergalactic expressway. If you can see any humor in that premise, well, you'd probably like it.

The titular "Guide" is a sort of hyper book (like one of those new Amazon Kindles, just 30 years ahead of time) that the main character is given, and which offers pithy suggestions to help a traveler explore the galaxy on the cheap.

Its single most primary rule is to "Always know where your towel is." Basically, because a towel could be used to answer more needs than any other item. Again, that British humor.

So that's the idea with the towel (I'm guessing).

Tabasco sauce is generally considered to make almost anything that is edible, at least somewhat palatable, and to that end has become somewhat ubiquitous in survival and emergency circumstances. If what I've heard be true, it is often issued in tiny bottles inside a lot of the MRE's these days.

As far as I know, that's it. Hope it clears things up.

Yep, Sam1911 got the towel part right, the towel is the one thing a galactic traviler needs, as its very useful. its funny, but as dry as a good martini.

Tabasco supposedly makes anything edible. Me, I use Hinze Ketchup for that ;)
"I think we're just gonna run out of oil or it's gonna be so high priced that we're gonna have to change our lifestyle," Souza said.

I think he's right on the money, but I also know he's the first and hardest hit from the fuel pinch. I have friends out in the bush that are truly cut off now. There's no disaster yet, but the cost of transportation has sealed them off just like a flood or earthquake. The emergency is right here right now.

I feel safer in the city where the services are the most reliable. Bugging out and trying to fend for myself--I tried that already and got my backside kicked. It's incredibly difficult to impossible if you don't already have an established land and extensive experience on how to fish, hunt, heat, and resupply yourself.

The coming disaster will be like a slow speed train crash. Everyone will see it coming. We're already living it. But the impact will grind away at you bit by bit rather than crashing down all at once. Now is the time to bug *IN*, not out. Get property in the heart of the city and establish good relations with all your neighbors. This will matter a lot more than an arsenal.
Bug in? Depends on the size of the community.

Small, knit community and this may work. An urban center makes me think of the phrase, "the thin veneer of civilization."

OK, I stole that line from Michael Bane's podcast, but he used it in reference to the 5 or so minutes it took for a the power to fail and windows being smashed from looting in his Brooklyn(?) neighborhood (mid 70s?) during a blackout.

In any case, the phrase stuck with me.
Basically, because a towel could be used to answer more needs than any other item.

It's more than that...

The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels.

A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.

More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.

Hence a phrase which has passed into hitch hiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is." (Sass: know, be aware of, meet,have sex with; hoopy: really together guy; frood: really amazingly together guy.)

A cliche as it is to say this, the book was leaps and bounds better than the movie.
I agree that people should be prepared no matter where they live. City, small town, suburbia, semi rural, super rural and/or the 'bush'.

Many of us were raised and taught about such matters of being prepared by older, world war aged people and/or 'depression era parents and mentors'.

There was an older thread on here about these matters. It was a VERY good thread.

Maybe Cosmo or someone else can find the link in a search.

Being prepared for any situation does not mean that you are 'paranoid' as some people think who drink the Kool Aid from the L and R sides.

Think outside of the box when it comes to guns, ammunition, and other matters in being prepared. Just because you own a gun does not mean squat if you are not SKILLED in using your gun, cleaning it, taking care of it, all safety issues and have ammunition for it NO matter what you use for your 1 Favorite Firearm or TOP 3 Firearms!

I have lived in all types of areas myself. You need certain skills and levels of being prepared in ANY area that you live in along with the 'climate' and storms of ANY kind. That includes weather storms and 'riot's like there were in the late 1960's.


Don't forget toilet paper.

Tabasco tastes like old sweatsocks.

Prefer garlic powder.

Ever hear of "Screaming Sphincter" cayenne sauce? Tastes even worse than regular tabasco sauce.

Wonder if you could put it in a water pistol for non-lethal defense purposes?



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Not bad but Dave's Insanity will make you laugh at other hot sauces.:evil:No problem keeping the pantry stocked just wish I had more room. Went to the range yesterday and the squirrel guns are ready to go. Pistol shooting offhand everything stayed inside a paper plate at 25 yards. Need more practice I guess.
Wow fun clip... our alaskan hunter friend came off seeming quite nice. I was a little bit rattled by the Tom Brown parts. Tom is a great teacher and has a lot of knowledge... his books are fantastic... but a few personal experiences with him have led me to believe that he's a bitter angry guy with a superiority complex. ABC didn't try to show him in that light, but they must have done a lot of editing... or caught Tom in a good mood. As I understand his personal vision, if you haven't studied under him personally, then you are destroying the world.

This is coming from a tried and true environmentalist... even I find his ego distasteful.

He's certainly a poor spokesman for the "preparedness" movement. I intend this as a red flag for our community rather than a personal attack. I apologize if this is offensive... I'm just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.
The main point you should come away from this that although guns are comforting and somewhat useful in a disaster survival scenario, being prepared by developing miscellaneous abillities you do not have, will also help your odds at staying around.

As posters smarter than me have already stated, your brain is your best survival tool.

You will be responsible for yourself and yours.

Yes, the towel was mentioned as a nod to the work of the late Mr. Adams.

The Tabasco sauce is needed because...oh, for the love of all that is decent and holy in our land, human beings CAN be divided into two catagories; those that USE Tabasco and those that do not.

My wife does not. My wife enjoys Tabasco emphemera as a decorative motiff and kitsch. My wife is a Tabasco 'poser'. I am not.

When the balloon goes up, the road kill of the wasteland will taste better
covered with the original liquid pepper seasoning.

And no matter what--the potentially buck naked survivor bearing towel, ample Tabasco, and a solid SHTF gun will be granted entry into the gated compunds of the brave new world.

I'm going to mow the lawn now. I'll make no more trouble on this thread.
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