Interpret this gun dream.

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Feb 25, 2003
I dreamed I was in Wal-Mart and they had a short barrelled AR15 with flattop receiver, red dot optical sights and collapsable stock. Original price $1000.00, sale price, $439.00 - I picked it up, realized the stock was collapsable and said, "I'll take it."

What does this mean????
ballistic gelatin said:
I dreamed I was in Wal-Mart
You live in a red state and are basically a frugal guy.
ballistic gelatin said:
and they had a short barrelled AR15 with flattop receiver, red dot optical sights and collapsable stock.
You've got excellent tastes in firearms which will stand you in good stead. However, you just got thru reading Enemies - Foreign and Domestic and its got you worried. After all there were 53 Million Americans dumb enough to vote for that Skerry creature.
ballistic gelatin said:
Original price $1000.00, sale price, $439.00 - I picked it up, realized the stock was collapsable and said, "I'll take it."

What does this mean????
You really, really want that AR but just can't afford it right now.
I had a dream I was pulling security detail in some foreign country last night.

They had issued odd target pistols to us. Some gentleman came bursting in to the room I was in with a handgun and I drew down, lined up the sights and fired just as he dove behind a dividing wall. The bullet punched through and hit him, but not well enough to stop the fight. I fired repeatedly through the dividing wall to no avail. When I reloaded, I apparently did so with some sort of needle cartridges, because when I popped around the corner and started shooting, each shot was a thin needle that stuck out about an inch from the skin wherever I hit. I went for the eyes.

Strange dream, that.
You call that a gun dream? Pssh. :p How about this one I had a few nights ago...

Somehow I'm on some sort of rag tag SWAT team (me? On a SWAT team? W-T-F?! :scrutiny: ), dressed in camo pants and a plain OD t-shirt. I have no gear except for a leg holster with a stainless steel 1911. I follow the rest of the team into a mall, and we're walking in file like freakin' school children, nothing tactical about it. Suddenly to my left, I see a giant, 10 story tall baby-child thing growling and reaching out for us. My team ignores it, but I draw my 1911, push off the safety, and fire several rounds into it's head. No blood to be seen. It becomes completely docile, and morphs into the front of a sky scraper (Empire State Building?). The end.

I'd like to see somebody explain that one! :what:
cut back to four hours a nite and you'll be to tired to remember any dreams.
TonyB said:
Paging Dr.Freud...... :neener:

I also tend to subscribe to Winson and Pavlides off-line dream theory which states we dream in order to process and store information we've learned or gathered throughout the day. Also we dream to accomodate the new information with previous information.

Sigmund Freud's wish fullfillment theory states dreams are the royal road to the unconscious mind. You dream in symbols and the symbols you remember are only the surface, the manifest content, of what the dream really means (latent content or what the symbols represent). The unconscious mind (ID) disguises what the true meaning of the dream is because the conscious mind would not be able to have the ID's desires. Basically, we dream to satisfy the unconscious desires.
Speaking of gun dreams....

last night I dreamt I was a civilian contractor (non fighting, economic advisor, or something) in Iraq, and was for some reason at a small, isolated outpost (think Roke's Drift) with US forces and a few other contractors. I saw an MP-40 and a few magazines on the ground, and picked them up when shooting started. I hit the deck, and after it subsided, I saw three islamically dressed women outside; when I came up to one of them she pulled out what I now remember as something like a B-40 rocket launcher out of her dress. I jumped back, and a few GIs took care of her and her two friends. After that we were reeinforced, and I woke up.
Thorazine(or can I call you by your generic name Chlorpromazine?):even Freud said ,sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :D
I often have dreams where my teeth are falling out.....any ideas??
TonyB said:
Paging Dr.Freud...... :neener:
An ex-girlfriend had a gun dream involving an empty rifle, and all her male relatives giving her banana magazines for it, but she only took the ones her father offered, because they were the only ones that fit in her rifle. Hmmm . . . wonder if there's some hidden meaning? :neener:
I have gun dreams every now and again and they often involve me being robbed, someone trying to kill me, drug dealers, etc. The only similar thing in the dream is that when I have to attempt to defend myself, the trigger on my gun has a pull of about 400 lbs. It makes my aiming all crazy, I get the shot off, don't know where it goes, then I wake up.
Whenever I hava a gun/fighting dream, not only does the gun have a 400 lb pull, but the bullets travel so slow I can see them, and when they hit the bad guys, they usually don't do much.
wait a second, you can be in college and still get 4 hours of sleep a night, (not counting the required recital i just attended and slept through all 45 min of) and still do something other than just work and study?? I must be doing something wrong....
Sigmund Freud's wish fullfillment theory states dreams are the royal road to the unconscious mind. You dream in symbols and the symbols you remember are only the surface, the manifest content, of what the dream really means (latent content or what the symbols represent). The unconscious mind (ID) disguises what the true meaning of the dream is because the conscious mind would not be able to have the ID's desires. Basically, we dream to satisfy the unconscious desires.

Oh yeah?

Well then, how 'bout this:

I'm working in an old sawmill in the Pacific Northwest when an attack force comes upon us. I grab my lever gun and return fire with the other workers, but get driven off and we fall back into town.

I'm now in an apartment complex on a third floor landing overlooking an open area. A helicopter (not black, but white and orange) comes in to land in the open area right next to my position. It can only be the attacking force so I open fire at the engine/trans area. After multiple shots at close range there's no detectable effect and I know I can hit better than that, so I start concentrating harder and wake myself up.

So what the hell could I be wanting out of that? :)
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