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Iranian Policewomen

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What's so ridiculous about it? They seem to have mastered the skills required by their training which are the same as for male police officers. You may not like their uniform, but it is appropriate to their culture and doesn't seem to interfere with their duties. I'm sure they think our cross-dressing (by their standards) police women are equally strange.
So we're mocking their clothing then? Why? I've got to admit that I'm completely with tellner with this one. There may be a tradition of sexual oppression in Islam, but that has no bearing on this discussion.

Isvmy post count too low to insist that we stick to the High Road and refrain from betraying our own parochialism by poking fun at other cultures for something so inconsequential as dress?

No it isn't a joke. I got to listen to a lot of n____ jokes in the old old days, and this is just the same racist sh*t all over again. There's a lot of people trying to stir up bigotry against Muslims, and I'm tired of it.

Thanks to Louck and Teller. Can we get back to the High Road, and kill this thread please?
Wow I am suprised at just how thin skinned some folks are. I suppose most of the comics, movies, actors, etc out there offend you as well then. There is a fine line between hatred and humor at times. I detected no malice or spite in any post here so far. But then again I suppose a certian guilt complex we should all still be feeling should limit our right to expression then?

:Edit to add I am not going to post on this thread any further as I see it is only going downhill from here and dont wish to contribute to a flamewar. If you have any further disgreement with me I accept PM's.
The only comment I can make is that it can be a very bad idea to wear loose clothing around any sort of descent device.
They look like nuns, people. That's what's funny. Nuns are supposed to be all prim and proper in their behavior. These ladies are rappelling down buildings, running around town with SMGs, handling explosives.
To see women......

wearing 'Chadors' (that the correct term for their dress, I believe), and carrying out advanced law enforcement drills seems a little incongrous to American eyes. That's what humor is all about. It's like seeing a matador fighting a bull in a suit and tie, wearing a bowler hat, and using a briefcase for a cape. Somebody compared it to a Monty Python bit.
I think that's pretty apt.
You'd actually be surprised how much freedom of movement a chador can allow. Think of it as a dress with a poncho and hood. They are also quite cool in the (baking hot) summer. And you could do concealed carry of a pistol, two rifles, a small donkey and a reloading bench :)
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