Is Hillary running for president in '04?

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Somewhere back at TFL is a thread - - -

from ~ 1999 listing Hillary as filing for presidential candidate for the 2000 election.

I'm thinking this type (4)? of filing is one of those "just in case" type of things.
Oh yea! She's running.

She is the leading fund raiser in the Democrat party. Her influence is holding back on contributions to the current crop of candidates. The only candidate she is having a hard time controlling is Dean. His fundraising on the internet bypasses her influence with Democrat donars.

So how do you cut back on Dean's efectiveness if you have no control over his funding? Why, you introduce a candidate that covers a huge hole in Democrat ideology--militarism. Clark is the anti-Dean which anyone with one-half brain in their head would see as a major hole.

So now Hillary is holding back donations to the other candidates telling donars to just wait, she's neutralized Dean's independent funding by trumping Dean's anti-militarism with a genuine star-wearing sock puppet, and positioned herself for a draft after all the money is spent in primaries which will produce no acceptable candidate.

Good work. Shows great political skills on the part of her hubby.
"To confine impeachable conduct to indictable offenses may well be to set a standard so restrictive as not to reach conduct that might adversely affect the system of government. Some of the most grevious offenses against our constitutional form of government may not entail violations of the criminal law.....Io limit impeachable conduct to criminal offenses would be incompatible with the evidence...and would frustrate the purpose that the framers intended.... Impeachment was cope with both the inadequacy of the criminal standards and the impotence of the courts to deal with the conduct of great public figures. It would be anomalous if the framers, having barred criminal sanctions from the impeachment remedy....intended to restrict the grounds for impeachment to conduct that was criminal" Hillary Rodham Staff Attorney House Judiciary Committee 1974

We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." (Hillary Clinton, 1993)

'I'm having a great time being the Pres, I mean Senator from New York.'

"I am particularly horrified by the use of propaganda and the manipulation of the truth and the revision of history," Hillary Clinton (Associated Press, concerning Kosovo)

I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." -- Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of subpoenaed documents

Oh yeah, she's waiting till the time is ripe. Hell hath no fury... and The Payback is gonna be a Witch(?).

Good work. Shows great political skills on the part of her hubby.

Bill was her selection to be president at that point. I believe him to be a great mouthpiece but I'd reckon that she's the brains and the wizard behind the curtain.

Should she be elected (its a certainty) and anything untoward happen to or around her involving any type of firearm, you can expect to see some serious legislation that will make the 34 NFA and 68 GCA pale in comparison. It's about time to get real political guys and gals. Do what you can in way of volunteering time and money to begin the fight for your/our life as gunowners.

The media will swoon over her. The mindless will fall into lockstep. She's a Mommie, a woman who stood by her man and one day soon, will probably be a grandmother and that will buy her 50% of the votes right there. Right now, she is without a doubt the single most important, and thus powerful, woman in America.

Talk to your doctors and dentists and ask them their thoughts about socialized medicine and her track record. They may be the only ally we'll have.

She's still undecided...

No need for her to commit yet. She's watching Clark to see if he is going to self-destruct or make a formidable candidate. She's watch the Liberal News Media vs. Bush to see how successful they are in confusing and alienating the American public.

I still believe she is hoping that Bush gets reelected and then she can run in '08 without having to go against a sitting president. At present, Clark is the leading Democrat and she doesn't want him to win, delaying her run to 2012. She doesn't fear running against Clark because the Clintons still own the DNC. Only if Bush looks to be in deep trouble will she jump in the '04 race.
Barring any unforseens (bimbo ereuptions, a la Gary Hart), Dean's grassroots organization is going to be hard to beat. Wesley Clark's announcement was hyped by the media (maybe orchestrated by Clinton's), but isn't he turning out to be an empty suit, with no substance?

Here's my is Dean faring with the labor unions? The key power base of the Democrats; I haven't studied the situation, maybe someone can fill us in.
Basically, an attempt to assimilate all of America into the communist island that is new york city is the goal of Over-the-Hill-ary..

If she is ever elected president, it's time to flip the flags upside down and fly them at half mast...
Baba Louie

Please don't defile witches like that, all the ones I know are honorable people! :banghead:

Also lets not use the "B" word, it's demeaning to dogs! :evil:
Strategically, this would be the smartest course of action-

a.keep eyes on Bush-if it seriously looks like he can be beat, hop in. Take the most popular Dem candidiate with you-currently, Clark or Dean. If Bush is not re-elected, waiting till 2012 is too long.
Use excuses like "I would stay in the Senate as promised, but the people need me to lead them. I only do this for the whole of the US"

b.If it strongly showing that Bush would be hard to beat-let the strongest Dem take him on and lose. Finish term in Senate, run for re-election in 2006, don't make any promises. In 2008, hop in and challenge Republican nominee who will most likely be at a disadvantage as the sheeple would be sick of 8 years of Bush.

In either case, Hitlery would win most likely. Which is why it's important that we get more Republicans in the House and Senate. She is beyond just left-she is a socialist with marxist overtones. Having a supermajority in one of them would be preferrable-so a veto override is always a threat. This will also help keep liberal/socialist/statist judges out of the USSC.

Barring major screw ups, she will have 2 terms if elected. We have to be ready when(and not if) she gets into office. I am not a conservative, nor a Republican, but I know the damage she will do to liberty, freedom, and the bill of rights.
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