Is there a new assault weapon ban or not?

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Yo Mama

Jun 4, 2008
I'm reading Feinstein has introducted legislation, but the source is unnamed in the story, and they don't have official minutes either. Says they won't grandfather and they want a turn in.

Get me off the ceiling here! Calm me down a bit, could this happen with a Republican House?
In the United States, the Congress is prohibited from passing ex post facto laws by clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution. The states are prohibited from passing ex post facto laws by clause 1 of Article I, Section 10. This is one of the relatively few restrictions that the United States Constitution made to both the power of the federal and state governments before the Fourteenth Amendment. This is why even gun hating NY HAS to allow preban ARs, mags, etc. I wouldn't worry too much. I would stock up.
This is beyond silly. Did you get this from some guy at a gun show trying to encourage you to buy a gun? Gun shows this weekend will be packed anyway, we have one in my city and I wouldn't go within 10 miles of that place for fear of the stories they will tell.

could this happen with a Republican House?

All bills originate in the house. With our current Speaker, it would never get out of committee.
Fmf doc, the prohibition on ex post facto law mean they cannot charge you with a crime if it was not against the law when you did it. It has nothing to do with "grandfathering"
It is worth pointing out, however, that the fourth amendment prohibits seizures of property without "just compensation". This has been the practical basis for grandfathering in the past; any outright seizure would likely be enjoined and ultimately overruled on the grounds that the government may not simply take something of value without paying for it.

ETA: Anything that comes from infowars is likely to be, and always has been in my experience, hystrionic GARBAGE with a likely financial motivation.
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ETA: Anything that comes from infowars is likely to be, and always has been in my experience, hystrionic GARBAGE with a likely financial motivation

Fully agree Texan Scott. The sites were all non major media, couldn't find the story on a larger network. That's really why I posted the question. It almost looks like garbage, but wanted to have it confirmed.
Maybe an assault weapon ban will be introduced, and maybe it won't. If one is introduced, and we can see what its terms are, we'll have something to discuss. And when someone has some solid information from a reputable source, he can open a new thread and pass it on.

ETA: BTW, Texan Scott, it's the Fifth Amendment (not the Fourth Amendment) that provides (emphasis added):
...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
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