GOP Will Let Assault Weapon Ban Expire...(multiple threads)

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I think it's crap that we are forced to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Maybe if Hitlery gets voted in they will try to take all our guns. Then we'll see what happens.
Snail mail is seldom opened anymore due to the anthrax scare.

Do you think they just throw away all the mail addressed to Congress? Of course they don't. They screen it at remote sites, just like they did during the anthrax incidents. I have been writing my congressmen and getting replies so I know it gets there.

Maybe you have been lucky--but I've been told and have read that many e-mails are simply ignored because they are too often bogus (false e-mail addresses and use of e-mail blasters) and are hidden among so much spam. Maybe that's wrong.
I certainly hope the House kills it, but it's in our best interest that it at least come to a vote. Nothing quite like an up/down vote to expose false friends, after all, and get the troops fired up just before an election.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The momentum is going in our direction right now, which means that we have to push harder then ever. Take someone shooting and let them have a good time, plant some seeds with some fense sitters, whatever, but just do whatever you can to build our numbers.
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