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Is this a legal "No Guns" sign in Kentucky?

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Handgun Midas

May 21, 2006
Northern Kentucky
My dad is so cheap that he won't even consider going to movie in a first run theatre;
so it was off to the cheap screens we went.
I found three of these prominently displayed on the doors to this theatre in Florence, Kentucky.


I suspect this is just a scare tactic sign and carries no legal weight.
That is, the staff could ask me to leave, and I would be trespassing if I refused,
but carrying my CCW in there is no grounds for prosecution.

Am I correct?

Again, I am emphasizing that this was in Kentucky, because the outlined portion of the sign made me go "Aroo?"


*** does "Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code" mean in Kentucky?
*** does "Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code" mean in Kentucky?

It means that whoever the idiot was who put up the sign, wanted to let everyone know he was in idiot.
"unless otherwise authorized by law", isnt that what a CCW permit is "authorization (by law) to carry a pistol for self defence".
Well, I found the usual something about property owners posting no CCW signs, but I don't know if that would make it "illegal".
According to the K3C site, it appears that a private property owner can post a sign. It doesn't say, like Texas, that it has to meet certain requirements.

Is the sign idiotic? Sure, but I think that a "reasonable man" would conclude that the private property owner doesn't want the trade of any CCW holders. I think that a judge, reasonable or unreasonable, would conclude the same.

In other words, find another theatre, and let these jerks know why you aren't spending your money with them.
Just walk on in and if they notice your CCW and ask if you are 'otherwise authorised by law', just show them a copy of the second amendment.
The Second Amendment only prohibits the government from not allowing us to be armed. It has nothing to do at all with private establishments prohibiting us from being armed.

I think Midas's ace in the hole is the "Unless otherwise authorized by law" clause.
Mr White said:
I think Midas's ace in the hole is the "Unless otherwise authorized by law" clause.
But Kentucky is so awesome that we have open carry here.

I don't need a license to own or carry a gun; just to conceal it.

I emailed K3C about this. Thanks for reminding me.
After looking through KY laws I can find that posting this or any other sign from Ohio is Illegal.

State representatives should look into it. However it strikes me the same as VT, posting large bill Boards in NH about their seatbelt law, when doing so in their own state is illegal as no Bill Boards are allowed in VT (The reason VT is so beautiful by the way)

However, getting any state authority to have them removed seems to be an exercise in futility.

Note the sign says unless lawful. CCW and KY law dictates that statement. Judges be damned.
I don't need a license to own or carry a gun; just to conceal it.

Then you are lawfully allowed to carry it then (this is only going by those specific words from the sign). However, you'll want to check to the KY statutes about signs and such, and check with the authorities as well. Just my humble opinion.
"But Kentucky is so awesome that we have open carry here"
Handgun Midas, I keep hearing we have open carry but in my area and other places in and around Louisville and most likely Lexington, you would probably have the police called on you and at least questioned or maybe even taken in if carrying openly. Don't know if they could charge you with anything or not but it's not worth the hassle to me. I usually ignore those no gun signs though. My bank has them and I go there armed all of the time. I suppose they could ask me to leave if it was noticed but hell, if the gun is concealed properly, who is going to know you have one.
There are a lot of signs like that at places here in Texas. They mean nothing to a licensed CHL holder here and they tell you that in the classes. They don't upset me becase I know they are only there to make the sheeple feel better and they aren't really directed at me.
The Kentucky statutes don't seem to specify any details about signage prohibiting guns, but owners and managers of private businesses are allowed to do so. However, ignoring the signs carries no criminal penalties. All they can do is ask you to leave and you can be charged with trespassing if you refuse to do so. The language can be found in KRS Chapter 237-110, a PDF copy of which can be found at:


For those interested, the Kentucky Revised Statutes can be found at:


Most of the laws regarding concealed carry are in Chapter 237, and those regarding offenses are in Chapter 527. These are surprisingly easy to read and comprehend. Edited to add: Justification for use in found in Chapter 503.
Those signs ARE directed at you. They are saying, in large type, "We do not want your business. Spend your money elsewhere. We would rather have known felons shopping here than have your type darken our doorway."

Here in Missouri, a "gunbusters" sign is not a "legal" sign, but it _is_ enough to let me know that I need to find a different place to shop.

Frankly, it's insulting.
Signing in Ohio

Ohio signs are a joke anyway. We had a few up in our store windows for a week or so, but they just got in the way of the window cleaners. I have no real problem with CCW holders so long as they keep it out of sight, and I've seen quite a few other stores that seem to feel the same. I've also had one guy that came in packing outright. The worst we can do is ask him to leave or leave it in the truck so he doesn't disturb the soccer moms. As to why there's a sign in KY that says Ohio revised code on it? Sounds like he stole it. :D Sheesh, you don't need a good looking sign, just one that has the gun X-ed out and wording to the effect of CCW's need not bother. It could be printed on kleenex and be legal. Why they made themselves look stupid? Eh, who knows.
this reminds me of a certain motel I checked in with a woman I was seeing. The self-proclaimed owner of the motel asked us if we had a marriage license, too which I replied, "No, I don't feel like getting married to anyone for sometime, why do you ask?" well, we weren't allowed to check in because the owner claimed he refuses service to any unwed couples.

What laws are there regarding private property that contains a buisness open to the public? specifically, laws such as a buisness owner forcing you to answer questions I view as unreasonable?

firearms fall into such a category, because I'm curious as to if asked by a buisness if you are carrying, but you haven't been made, do you have to honestly answer?
There aren't too many movie theaters that don't put up some sort of sign.

Might I recommend a local home theater shop and www.netflix.com? Assemble your own home theater (a competent one can be had for the cost of a few decent guns), and there's no need to lay out $8 for a popcorn and soda, just to listen to people yap through the movie.
As I understand it, kentucky has an open carry law that preempts any more restrictive carry law by a municipality (I found this info on the internet, via THR library). So you can't legally have a town in Ky that disallows open carry. Now if someone sees you, freaks out and calls the cops ("officer! I saw someone with a gun!") then the police are legally required to respond. Most likely if they found you, they'd ask for id and check to see if you were anyone they were looking for. Depending on who they were and who you were, they might hassle you some (e.g. lecture you about carrying a gun, etc.).
+1 on what Knotthead said
Worst they can do is ask you to leave and if you refuse then you can be charges with , I think misdomeanor tresspass.
Concealed means concealed. I pretty much, don't see those signs, kinda like selective hearing. If by some fluke they see I'm carrying they are going to have to come up with the gumption to ask me to leave or if I'm off-duty LEO. For most people that are that freaked out about guns the last thing they want to do is confront someone whom they already think is going to shoot everyone in sight just because they have a gun. I'm done with the boycotting of places that post signs like this my response is "fine, if something happens I am getting me and mine out safely and I will leave you to your faulty logic." I get a much bigger hard-on about places that harass women for breast feeding infants.
Handgun Midas- if you think the sign at the Dollar Movie is bad I dare you to try to read the job descriptions on the now hiring signs at Meiger across the street without laughing bacause of the grammer, spelling and context errors.
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