Islamist Snuff Films to Become Propaganda Weapons

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Derek, not to turn this all religious, but if it were a Catholic terrorist beheading propaganda film, I would probably be looking to root out the bastards and martyr them for their cause.

I am Catholic, and if some radicals decide to give everyone the impression that we are barbarian headhunters, they've got to go. The reason is simple: if their behavior provokes a murder/death/kill attitude of any measureable magnitude, then it could spill over into attrocities against my kin. That is unacceptable. As I have said, one hand washes the other.

It's the same think with the Palestinian hoopla. People get all weepy when the Israelies launch a counter attack in refugee settlements and some innocent palestinians get killed. I don't feel bad at all. The Palestinians should realize that if they allow terrorist or paramilitary leaders live within their settlements, there are going to be consequences. If they would pursue a peaceful settlement, and oust the paramilitaries, then there wouldn't be a problem with the Israelies.

In general, Islamists seem to be accepted or at least tolerated by their muslim peers. They aren't taking steps to assure non-muslims that people of all faiths can peacefully coexist. The first step in that direction is the elimination of the Islamist fringe. They also need to realize that videos like this one don't make all Americans run for cover. Rather, the video makes some of us question their humanity to the point where they are perceived as inhuman non-entities and a threat to humanity in general. When you aren't facing off against humans, but rather inhuman monsters, it is easy to consider extermination as a reasonable safeguard. It isn't necessarily right, but it is a predictable reaction. That's the aforementioned "rage". And, it is a most terrifying thing to understand that the potential for such insane violence and bloodlust can be invoked, or rather provoked, so easily.

I have known a few muslims in my day. I had shared a dorm room with one in college. But, if I knew that he had something to do with this tape, I wouldn't give a second thought to putting him in a hole.

I must repeat some of the other responses to this thread. Stay safe, watch your back, and be ready.
I have a feeling I've seen the video being discussed before, a few years ago when I was 15 or 16. I can certainly still remember it, but I'm not about to click the link to find out. Once was enough. :p

"Our government, as fornicated vertically as it is, chose not to go into Iraq without UN sanction."

Neither did ours. We were the only ones with the moxie to UPHOLD 14 U.N. resolutions so that the entire organization wasn't rendered inconsequential and irrelevant!!! (My apologies to the fine countries that WENT IN WITH US. Eh, Canada?)

Frankly, it would not have grieved ME one iota to see the U.N. (that den of third world potentates) shown for the farce and evil that it is!!!

(Forgive me if this has wandered from the theme of this thread.)
Thanks for the original post.

Kind of makes me view a recent incident here in Columbus in a different light.

As briefly as I can and as reported by the local news:

Late two nights ago an Ohio State student from Iraq attacked a wealthy local auto-parts businessman at the man's home. The student was laying in wait in the man's garage with two large knives and a pistol. When the man arrived home, the student attacked him as he got out of his car.

The man and a companion fought with the student-attacker. All three men ended up receiving stab wounds and/or lacerations during the ensuing melee.

Apparently the student finally tried to escape over the seven foot tall iron gate leading to the garage, but he slipped somehow and was impaled by the thigh on one of the sharp points topping the gate. He had to be cut down by the firedepartment's "jaws of life" and was taken to the hospital.

The news showed footage from outside the home. Lots of blood. They also played portions of two separate 911 calls - one made by the man's chef who was witnessing events from inside the home and a second by the man himself while he and his companion were struggling with the intruder. Scary stuff to listen to.

I've not yet heard reported any motive or connection between the student and the businessman.

I'm not wealthy and not a likely target, but this kind of thing really catches my attention. That, and the Columbus' homicide rate reaching a 10- year high - including apparently random home invasions. I believe we are now over 100 for the year. It motivates me to get a CCW piece and pray that Gov. Taft sees the light and signs the CCW law being sent to him by the Ohio legislature.
As for hamas planning attacks on north america, i was pleased to see that the security guard at my local Jewish Community Center openly carries a Beretta M9. Makes me feel a lot safer.
Welcome to the turd world. Where pain, suffering, life and death have no meaning. Where brutality and evil are everyday reality from cradle to grave. Beheadings are a spectator sport and people are brutalized in front of children by laughing men.

But, really, we're all just different in our own way, and all cultures should be respected. Lets all celebrate some of this diversity. Who's to say what's really best? I mean, America is the real evil, right?

People to need to wake up and smell the blood.

- Gabe
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This'll backfire.

Ain't that the truth.

I almost think we should broadcast this on primtime tv so the entire country can get a good idea of what we're up against.


Mind you, that depends on what their objective is.

* Terrorist film brutal murder of Americans/ Westerners.
* Americans/ Westerners see tape, get enraged, demand retribution.
* America/ West more likely to go to war etc against countries with links/ supposed links to terrorists.
* Innocent people get killed (possibly some terrorists as well)
* Citizens of said country get enraged at US/West.
= More recruits to terrorists.

(Remember, Al Quieda etc WANTED a war in Iraq, because they thought it would get them more support).

Some time ago this very clip was posted on a site billed as "a resource guide for Muslim American teenagersâ€.

The scary part was not the clip itself but the justification and glorification of this act by young Muslim teenagers in America, who if you think about it, may be in the same school with your very own children.

More about this stuff here

Scary stuff ...
That's what I keep being told, but it's difficult to get a reliable source for the comment.

It's not hard to get reliable quotes for SOME 'Islamists' calling for killing all Americans, etc. The problem is that SOME people have a bit of trouble distinguishing between SOME and ALL.
I have seen these video's in the past and have no desire to see them again.

That said, I think everyone should see these videos and see what kind of "peacefull" religion these people are practicing. These people are the lowest form of human beings and deserve to be killed with extreme prejudice.

All I can say is I am ready to meet these scumbags and send a few of them to Allah if they try this crap around here. And I am sure there are more than enough of us here in the USA to meet and defeat this threat.
I'd just like to hear the ALL decry the SOME. But, most ALL are curiously silent. If this happened within Christianity, I'd be screamin' from the mountain tops!
I'd just like to hear the ALL decry the SOME. But, most ALL are curiously silent. If this happened within Christianity, I'd be screamin' from the mountain tops!

It's NOT like it's some exclusive club that controls its membership. Anyone can claim to be a Muslim....or Christain for that matter.
Tiberius. No one is really claiming that's it's a controlled club (that's just silly), but at the very least, those of the same ilk (Muslim) should condemn these acts. And, I will condemn both those who do these barbarous murders, and those who stand silent when they should speak. As a culture, let's stop the the PC defensiveness and get real, these people will kill, they want to kill us, and I don't intend it to happen to me or my kin. I'll be alert and carry, not paraniod, but ready.
While the acts commited in those clips truly are horrific lets not make the mistake of thinking that Islam has exclusive rights on brutality. The events that occured in those clips are comparable to acts commited under the banner of every religion and every nation at one time or another.
As for hamas planning attacks on north america, i was pleased to see that the security guard at my local Jewish Community Center openly carries a Beretta M9. Makes me feel a lot safer.

I feel alot safer when I'm carrying an M9/92FS myself.
There have been several question whether they want to kill all Americans/westerners or only certain ones. I'll let the Koran answer that question for us.
Koran 47:4-6: "When ye encounter the infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, . . . And whoso fight for the cause of God, their works he will not suffer to miscarry; He will vouchsafe them guidance, and dispose their hearts aright; And he will bring them into the Paradise, of which he hath told them.
An infidel is defined as any non-Muslim.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not painting all Muslims with the same broad brush. However, Islam is painted with the brush that is the Koran.

You know, if you're going to quote scripture, at least have the integrity to quote it. Is it ok for me to skip a few hundred words or so when quoting old testament?


Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.
"Fight hard, have no mercy, until your enemy is broken, then ..."

Is that good military guidance (fight with all your heart, and focus your attack where the enemy is weakest (the neck)), or bad military guidance? How about the reference to "generosity or ransom until the war" is resolved?

An infidel is defined as any non-Muslim.
You sure about that? I mean, might it be possible that the reference wasn't to "people of the book" (Jews and Christians), but instead to the pagan arabs who were at war with Mohommad at the time? The same folks who'd defiled the sacred mosque at Mecca? Remember: this dates from the 1st year of the Hijrah, and the muslims were still under threat of extinction by Meccan pagans.

Let's not forget these, since we're doing the whole "quote the quran" thing:
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
I know it's cool to say "all muslims want to kill us," and "none of those dirty stinking islamists have spoken out against" whatever. It ain't true. You can't back it up. You also completely ignore people like me who offer comments on these issues here in a forum you frequent.

I know you believe it. That don't make it so.
really, i mean if you look in the bible im sure you will find plenty!!!! of examples of non-christians being slaughtered for their crimes, so you can really say anything about the koran
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