It didn't happen overnight

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I see it slightly different, but along the same lines.
First, most people I run into (not run with) are almost totaly ignorant of what the government of the U.S. was, is, or any of the founding principles that went into the basis for it. They have a superficial knowledge of the founding of this country. I would bet most people you ask will not know why the 4th of July was chosen to celebrate our independence. And if they can, I bet they think this started the war for independence (not technically "for indpendence" but the war period) and believe the ending of the war was the start of our current government. If they know why the date was used, it is likely to sole "fact" they ever memorized about the founding of this country.
They have never read the Constitution, and they have never learned anything about our government except what the media tells them. They believe the governement is there to take care of them, protect them, and correct wrongs. If forced to read "The Federalist Papers," they would would not recognize it as our government. This is mostly the fault of a an education program more interested in building self-esteeme over knowledge and critical thinking (and parents of course).
Now add on to that the fact that the world has gotten faster and more complicated. The world comes at you at a hundred miles an hour. The information pouring into our lives everyday is astonomical compared to what it was in the past. People get burned out. They begin to focus in on they own little portion of the world. They don't want to have know more! They just want someone else to take over for them. Can't the government handle that!
They don't have time to learn who represents them in Congress, what the issues are, what the ramifications of this or that.
I mean look at us. Generally gun folks are more plugged into the U.S. government and U.S. history than most. But come on, it would be a full time job trying to keep up on every vote all or your representatives made (in local, county, state, federal), the school board, the planning commmision,etc.
People have become self-absorbed and soft.
For quite some time I though that people were becoming more rude (and they are); but I finally realized that more than just being more rude, they were simply self-absorbed. It wasn't that they didn't know any better, it was that they simply didn't give a danm about you. All that mattered was how it impacted their live right then, right now.
I don't know if this country will get back on track, perhaps Al Quedea is the best bet we have to wake people up.

As far as separation of church and state, I believe if you look into the writings of the founding fathers they wanted a separation of church and state because they knew what tyrannical governments there had been back in the dark ages when religion ruled the government (the Inquisition!). Theoracies were HORRIBLE. A foundation based not on any religion, but on a strong belief in god ensured good moral character and no repression of others.
Do not confuse religion and god, the two have almost nothing in common.
For the most part, the article seems right on. I'm not the biggest fan of TR, but at least he was a man, unlike most of the presidents we have had since him.

Nitrogen, in response to the question you asked, I would say that it is a matter of context. Jesus did say those things, but for Matthew 7:1, you are taking it out of context. I would be glad to discuss it with you by private message, as I don't want to throw this thread off track.
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