It should not work... but it does.

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I gave it a try with my shortest sight radius.
LCP Gen 2 with heavy DA style trigger and small sights with wide front blade.

I know it looks like I was pulling but I need a grip sleeve as the next group was similar except high right. I'm getting an inconsistent grip on the tiny little grip (I use the largest backstrap on an M&P)

7 Rounds - 7 Yards - Offhand - 0.75"


I think it's the sights on the same focal plane for old inflexible eyes
I was watching an old Gun Guys Episode..... Bill Wilson said his range gun was a 4" because he could shoot it better than the 5" due to the sights being closer to the same focal plane.
I'll take a swag at it. We often make adjustment to handgun sight picture based on the amount of light we see on either side of the front sight. Perhaps the front sight filling the rear notch makes any windage error immediately obvious and corrected without conscious thought.
In fairness if you had better sights on it your group sizes could shrink substantially.

In other words, maybe you’re shooting well in spite of the sights, rather than because of them.
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