Its been a good month for pawn shop finds..

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The police have been performing stings on pawn shops around the state and arresting the owners for accepting goods that they should have known were probably stolen. Many pawn shop owners have been arrested as a result. Now back to the regularly scheduled program...:D
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Last I heard... in my State, if you've reported something stolen, the Police are supposed to provide that information (for guns at least) as a "hot sheet" to the local pawn shops... and the shop keepers report those coming in before they contribute to the problem.

Do they do that with power tools and such too? I dunno... but, IF the entities DO follow those rules... it's a good thing for those of us who become victims of the turds (theoretically).
A good practice is being a good customer. I am friendly, polite and laugh at their jokes. This got me a 1917 LSA No. 1 Mk. III for $100.
A good practice is being a good customer. I am friendly, polite and laugh at their jokes. This got me a 1917 LSA No. 1 Mk. III for $100.
We have a winner! I spent a few hours at one of the local pawnshops BSing with the owners father that was manning the counter and could have walked out with a BEAUTIFUL IH Garand for $550. Sometimes it pays to be personable.
In regards to stolen items at a pawnshop, most states require that the pawn shop at the end of a business day present a printout of all items taken in during that days business. Then the local police are suppose to compare that list with items that were reported stolen. However I have seen cases where an item was back tracked and even though the report was given to the local police it was overlooked or never even looked at. I know one pawn shop that lost their FFL license due to what could be called shady dealing. But I still can not pass up a visit to pawn shops and if I see a new one I will turn around and make the rounds.
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