I've always known Rick Stanley to be confrontational, but this...

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Dec 25, 2002
The State of Israel - aka Gun Nut Hell
Thugs in government have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they do not respect our constitutional rights, and especially our property rights. American’s property is stolen everyday for a variety of reasons, that 100 years ago would have been considered a treasonous unconstitutional act by a runaway POLICE STATE. These acts are done at the point of a gun. Like minded Americans have decided that enough is enough. We are forming a “Mutual Defense Pact Militia†across America called the “Second American Revolution Militia.†This militia does not train, have meetings, or communicate on a regular basis. It is a very simple militia: mutual defense of like minded Americans. Nothing to hide, out in the open, only deadly when activated and called upon to defend another member of this militia. This militia will be organized through the Rick Stanley Activism Website at www.stanley2002.org and notices will go out through the Stanley Scoop email list as a separate announcement.

To become a militia member, you must formally download the application from the website, fill out all information, receive the Stanley Scoop via email to keep appraised of updates and any upcoming militia action, and be willing to defend another militia member’s property with force of arms within the lower 48 states when summoned. This militia is a mutual defense pact between members. You want help in the future to defend your property, you must be willing to defend other militia members.

With the application, we need directions to your home or business, should you create a stand-off with thugs who are attempting to steal your property. You must create the stand-off first, and ask for help by contacting Rick Stanley at [email protected], or by phone at 303-329-0481 or cell at 303-669-4316.

You must have a cell phone or wireless because in a stand-off, your phone and power will be cut off. You must have the firepower, food, and water to sustain yourself for a prolonged amount of time. You must hold off the thugs for at least 24 hours, so that militia members have enough time to travel to your location to surround the thugs who are threatening you and your property, and to demand their surrender or secure your release with a force of arms.

While all information will be kept confidential, seen by Rick Stanley only, each militia member understands that being a part of the Second American Revolution Militia is a mutual defense pact with other members across America, there is nothing illegal about forming such an organization, and those who join are to be considered the elite of America. They are the courageous, the incorruptible, those of honor and integrity, those with strength of conviction, defenders of freedom and liberty, with the resolve and dedication to win the day for God and for America. Each militia member is an ambassador to recruit other like minded Americans in your area. This will ensure the success of our National American Militia.


Rick Stanley
Constitutional Activist
Warrior for God and America

Note his signature.

Comes from here
Yeah, that sounds like Rick Stanley alright.

Oddly, he wants you to sign that statement, and also provide your address and directions to your house.:scrutiny:
Before seeing this horsecrap, I thought the odds are about 50/50 that Rick Stanley is a Federal agent.

Now, I'm up past 90%.


Lemme 'splain a few things here:

1) Stanley's fight against the Denver open-carry ordinance was destined to succeed right from the get-go. Any halfway competent lawyer could have predicted that from the beginning. By challenging an ordinance in that manner, with more or less no risk whatsoever, he gained instant credibility in our movement.

2) At Counterattack, Stanley gave his speech, but didn't hang around to hear anybody else. This was unusual behavior.

3) Also at Counterattack, he passed out a sign-up sheet for his "Stanley Scoop" EMail broadcast.

4) His use of EMail is utterly incompetent. His "daily broadcast" is just...unbelievable. Badly formatted garbage. He takes in any sort of "pro-freedom news" and dumps it into this huge text file (usually over 400k of PLAIN TEXT!) - with no thought as to the credibillity or even sanity of the content. Or formatting. And getting OFF that list is a royal bitch, I had to make multiple threats of complaints to his ISP. So far, I've had to show two people how to twit-filter his incoming straight into the garbage can because that was easier than getting off the damn list.

And now this? He wants people to sign up on a list of people willing to attack government agents based on any sort of squabble people they don't even know get into?


I really hope nobody here is stupid enough to have anything to do with this fool.
He was one of two guys who intentionally got arrested for violating Denver's open carry ban about a year and a half ago (the other, Duncan Philp, is pretty similar to Stanley in disposition). He was also an LP candidate for Senate (can't remember if it was US or Colorado Senate) until the LP disowned him for his, ah, inflammatory image.

edit - Well, Jim beat me to it. :)
I remember getting off his list because Stanley kept posting incredibly anti-semitic crap there. I had to e-mail him twice or thrice, and then he posted a special alert on his list asking people to ask me to sign back up.

Real story.
Basically, the sheer size of those "daily dumps" are such that it's not possible he's personally reading the whole thing. Damned if I know how they're being assembled exactly, it looks like a whole pack of chimpanzees have been somehow taught to take anything on the web that smells "right wing" or "pro freedom" or "anti-government" and just dump it in there as unformatted plain text. Often a "wall of ASCII" no paragraph breaks :rolleyes:.

So yes, anti-semitic stuff floats through sometimes.

Really weird.

The only reason you'd do something like that is if you were vying for the title "king of kooks" or something, and wanted to attract all the mentally deranged from among the pro-freedom folks so you could keep an eye on 'em.

Clayton Cramer's opinion of Stanley mirrors mine, in fact he got there first. Clayton's wife (a wonderful pro-freedom person in her own right) detests Stanley more than anybody, mostly based on what she saw of him at Counterattack.
I agree with you, Jim. I went ahead and got on his 'Stanley Scoop' list for a while after the conference, but just got disgusted with the whole thing and cancelled it.

I actually thought a lot higher of the guy, until I heard him speak...
He was one of two guys who intentionally got arrested for violating Denver's open carry ban about a year and a half ago (the other, Duncan Philp, is pretty similar to Stanley in disposition). He was also an LP candidate for Senate (can't remember if it was US or Colorado Senate) until the LP disowned him for his, ah, inflammatory image.

And we met when and were? I have never met anyone by the name of Ian. It is amazing the number of arm chair quarterbacks I have met who call themselves 'libertarians'. I have never run for poltical office for any reason much less for my own self aggrandizement like Stanley has done. The LP is an oxy-moron of wannabe anarchists running for political office and looking like wannbe repukelicans. There are several who get upset when they are challeneged to actually get off their collective butts and do something and then sneak around to discredit the few who are willing to stick their necks out for the second amendment. Here is what I think of "Pricky" and I'm not anti-semetic. If you have the need to say something about me then say it to my face or back up your post with a real name instead of hiding behind a phoney moniker like a gutless coward.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg01363.html


Tim White
Mon, 13 Feb 2006 15:11:41 -0800

To know more about Duncan Philp,just Google

Duncan Philp and the TRT

and you will see that he is an original member of
the TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM.Rick Stanley tried to attach
himself to the TRT and they wanted NOTHING to do with
this FRAUD and he found out the same from ALL in the
"original" Patriot community when he tried the same
thing with them.Any political party in Colorado wanted
NOTHING to do with him as he is an anethema to all he
is in contact with but his sycophantic following of
fellow morons does not see this yet but that time is
soon to arrive.It is more than JUST suspected by ALL
in the "original" Patriot community-and many others-
that Rick Stanley is in FACT the Cointelpro
provacateur that he accuses everyone else of being and
his rhetoric and blatant accusations are very typical
of already proven Agents of this category.ALL who are
associated with this FRAUD Stanley would be wise to
part ways with this big mouth before they find
themselves compromised.
The mention that Duncan Philp makes of Paul Grant
not being paid ONE CENT by this FRAUD Stanley can be
verified by calling Paul Grant at his office,

Paul Grant
6053 S Quebec
Centennial CO 80111

and anything further in question can be addressed by
Duncan Philp himself-he will be only too happy to do

Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen

--- duncan philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 08:22:14 -0800 (PST)
> From: duncan philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Pricky
Prick Stanley

I first met Pricky when he was running for public office on the Libertarian platform and playing at being a politician. He did a poor job of playing at it, as Pricky is not now nor has he ever a Libertarian. He used the LP because he knew he couldn’t get any support from the Repukelican Party and he knew that the LP had the existing party structure he needed to get attention from the public for his own self aggrandizement.

Pricky supports closed borders with Mexico, which would involve more Border Patrol Agents and more taxes, which in turn would create more government and more of a police state than we already have. This is NOT the platform of the LP. Ricky supports a Federal flag burning amendment, which would make it a crime for a person to burn or desecrate their own US flag. This is not only a violation of individual property rights, but it also violates the right to free speech as laid out in the Bill of Rights. A flag burning amendment is anti-libertarian and pro-fascist. Pricky wanted more taxes for the Federal Governments Veterans Affairs office. This is socialism and the opposite of libertarianism. Pricky was an advocate of initiating violence towards certain judges and standing politicians. This if course is in violation of the LP pact of non-aggression made by all party members.

When I did finally get around to looking at Prick’s website I notice that he had plenty of stupid conspiracy theories namely the crap in reference to Jews. Unfounded garbage which many call Jew baiting. Is it no wonder that the LP had this clown censored especially when we consider the fact that there are
so many freedom loving Jewish members of the LP. Pricky proved himself a racist in his emails to various LP members, which caused Michele to quit his campaign staff.

So why did a Nazi like Prickly choose the LP?

Prickly needed a political party structure to get attention and he wasn’'t going to be allowed to get into either the Repukelican Party or the Dummycrap Party. The Libertarian Party would be good ground for a right wing statist to get his message out, because the LP is always desperate for candidates and any fool will do. This is why the nay-saying anarchists of the mid 1970’s said NO to the idea of an LP, because any statist would be able to run as an LP and possibly get into office only to bring us his version of a coercive state.

Pricky proved himself to be a man of low moral character. I would soon learn this after being arrested with him for invoking the second amendment upon the City of Denver during a Bill of Rights Day event on December 15th, 2001. Pricky publicly stated that if anyone were to join him in Veterans Park to
protest Denver’s anti-gun ordinance that Attorney Paul Grant would defend these people in court at no cost. Pricky lied. I later learned from Paul Grant that he never made this statement. After finding out that he was going to have to pay Grant for his services Pricky posted on the Tyranny Response Team website that he would pay Paul Grant to defend me in court. This post
was seen by many members of the TRT and has been kept on file by TRT board member Kevin Griffith. Pricky lied. Pricky not only never paid Grant to defend me he never bothered to pay Grant to defend him in county court and Grant did his very best to defend the liar Pricky in Patterson’s court.

It was all about Pricky and if he needed to lie and f*ck other people over then so be it because Pricky is more important than you or me. Pricky dropped Grant as his lawyer after losing his case in county court. Then suddenly Pricky became an expert in the law just over night and he told me that he would defend my case all the way up the State Supreme Court. Yea right, I was
going to let some idiot like Pricky help to get me screwed in court. I told the guy to forget it and to this date he has refused to pay Paul Grant one thin dime. Yet Pricky has the money for a speed boat, a 100K motor home, three Dodge Durango's and a penthouse flat above his place of business which includes things like a marble top kitchen counter and hot tub on the roof top patio. This was bad enough, but it got worse when Pricky stole the legal arguments of my lawyer to used in his filingsto the State Supreme Court.
My Attorney Paul Grant filed his arguments and briefs in Denver District Court on my behalf and shortly afterwards Pricky had it all copied by the court clerk
and then filed it with the Supreme Court. Gee, imagine what would have happen if I had gone with the idiot Pricky to defend the issue in court and not Paul Grant and who would Pricky have used to copy his case from? The idiot used a District Court argument in the Supreme Court. In the end Pricky got six months in jail, paid over $1,500 in fines and received a house visit from the Denver SWAT team. On the other hand I never did any jail time, paid nothing in fines and never had to do the in home detention as ordered by the county judge, no thanks to Pricky.

Later on Pricky started his own imaginary internet militia which he would use to terrorize two judges. This went over like a lead balloon as Pricky ended
up in court again and received 6 years in the state ‘Pen’ were he gets to meet Bubba. I made several trips to Denver over this court case and prior to getting to really know Pricky I would park my car at his place of business and take the bus to court due to the traffic congestion of Denver making it hard and expensive to park a car. When I got back my car had been broken into and my gun stolen.I suspect it was Pricky who did the damage and stole my
gun as his business has a ten foot fence all the way around it with a security gate that requires a code to get thru it.

Ricky is a false patriot who is only interested in one thing which is Pricky.

Duncan Philp
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