Ivory: can someone once and for all LMK what's legal, if anything?

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Jan 19, 2006
Happy Valley, UT
I've asked several places IIRC and responses are almost always nebulous and inconclusive. I don't need someone to post links. I need some smart person to interpret the info on the links and LMK in plain English whether I can purchase a used revolver with ivory grips, or purchase just the grips, or be GIVEN the grips, or give my ivory grips to someone else, or sell someone a revolver without the grips and give them the grips as a gift, or if the ivory bead on a shotgun barrel makes me a felon, or WHAT. I'm in the USA and I assume the law is national but LMK if otherwise.

New ivory may be problematic. Antique ivory grips are ok. Mammoth ivory may be the new thing. With permafrost melting, a lot of Mammoth ivory is being discovered and processed.
Stick with Pleather and faux ivory. Then there will never be a problem. Personally I prefer a good antler grip panel myself.

Seriously if you can't prove it's antique I am not sure how one could proceed without possibly having a problem. Still one of the big name grip makers would have to be on the up and up I would think. Beyond that........
I've asked several places IIRC and responses are almost always nebulous and inconclusive. I don't need someone to post links. I need some smart person to interpret the info on the links and LMK in plain English whether I can purchase a used revolver with ivory grips, or purchase just the grips, or be GIVEN the grips, or give my ivory grips to someone else, or sell someone a revolver without the grips and give them the grips as a gift, or if the ivory bead on a shotgun barrel makes me a felon, or WHAT. I'm in the USA and I assume the law is national but LMK if otherwise.

Why would you want to rely on the "interpretation" of the law by a random, faceless stranger on the internet? If you get into some sort of trouble over it the court isn't going to care about the opinions of anyone here.
I've asked several places IIRC and responses are almost always nebulous and inconclusive. I don't need someone to post links. I need some smart person to interpret the info on the links and LMK in plain English whether I can purchase a used revolver with ivory grips,....

Why would you want to rely on the "interpretation" of the law by a random, faceless stranger on the internet? If you get into some sort of trouble over it the court isn't going to care about the opinions of anyone here.

And in any event, in real life in the real world things are never that simple. The exact circumstances and facts matter. Details matter. And, in addition to federal law on the subject, some States have laws that might apply.
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