Jan 19 Gun Appreciation Day

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I just saw a photo from the event in Albany, NY and the place looked packed.
Good job, Good people.
I went to the one at the South Carolina State Capital. There were about 200 people in attendance with a couple of State Representatives showing up but no Governor and no Congressmen. The speakers mostly rambled with no clear, concise meassage other than "just say no". There were very few women, even fewer minorities and almost no kids. There was one professional videographer and maybe two professional looking still photographers so it looks like press coverage was minimal. There were no reporters asking questions and the TV station website that had the event posted earlier in the day changed their headline from Pro Gun rally to be held to Pro Gun rally was held but the body of their story never changed. Overall it might have been a feel good event for those attending but it will get little coverage and probably didn't do much to change the course of the debate.

The one surprising part, or possibly ominous part, was there we zero anti gunners there. My gut feeling is that when they hold their Pro Obama rally ours will look pitiful in comparison. Sorry to sound negative but if that's the best we can do then we're toast.
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I was at the Albany rally today. It was awesome. Thousands of ticked off new yorkers, many with great signs. Never been to anything like it. Goodly number of off duty Leo's there showing support as well. Maybe change is possible!
Saw the "comrade cuomo" sign on a news report about the Albany rally. Made for a good laugh. Glad you guys had a great turnout.
My brother and sister-in law both bought handguns and are going to get their CCW. She called me from the gun store to tell me. I am so glad. i have been telling them for years that the anti- gun people will not stop. She said many people in the last few weeks have all been buying guns. I rolled my eyes. She is a kindergarden teacher. Obama does not realize what he has caused. i have always been the gunny in my family. My father taught me well. She even said she is going to start re-loading!!!! Due to the death of my nephew they are raising my great-nephew. He is now 10 years old. He has been shooting since the age of 4. He is takes after me and his father. And I am a woman.
I was in Albany today, awesome day! Thousands of people and a very powerful feeling!

Went to the range with a new shotty (purchased yesterday from my friendly LGS). Ran some buck shot, then delighted a few newbies/onlookers with a mighty display of chasing shots into one hole with my trusty SPNY. Or something close to that, at least. :neener:

Place was a madhouse, and it wasn't even the store with the rally and state senators.

Also stopped by Cabelas. The ammo shelves looked as if the Mayans had actually been correct about the end of days. Not much there. But the lack of ammo was balanced by the crushing waves of people. What a zoo, *especially* the gun counter.
I didn't make it to the event in our state (Warshington) but I did spend some time at my reloading bench and cranked out 400 rounds of medium-strength .357 ammo.

I was amazed that at least one of the liberal local TV stations actually reported the correct number of folks who did turn out, about 2,000 or so. GREAT job, Washingtonians!
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