Jesus... Anyone reading the New York Times?

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Mike Irwin

Dec 22, 2002
Below the Manson-Nixon line in Virginia...
I'm seeing a completely different war being reported! My letter to the Times...


Apparently in the Times' editorial offices the United States military is on the verge of being ejected from Iraq, tail twixt its legs, in complete disgrace and abject military defeat.

NYTs columnists, and readers, and even the news reports, are resplendent with reports -- delivered with an almost sick sense of glee -- of Iraqi resistance and casualties taken by the Coalition forces.

Words like quagmire are being bandied about. I haven't seen it yet, but I suspect that the comparisons with Vietnam aren't far off.

Now Paul Krugman really hits a high note in his op-ed today in talking about the "pro-war" rallies. Of course they're not pro-America or pro-troops rallies, but can only be "pro-war."

Anyhow, I digress on the subject of "pro-war" rallies...

Mr. Krugman draws a direct comparison between Nazi pro-state/pro-Hitler rallies in the 1930s and the supposed "pro-war" movement today.

That's right, if you believe in America, believe in our troops, and believe that American action in Iraq is justified, you're nothing more than a Hitlerian Storm Trooper, so break out your armband, brown shirt, and dust off your copy of the Horst Wessel Song.

The inference Krugman uses to draw the comparison between Germany in the 1930s and America today is that many of the radio stations that spearheaded the protests over the Dixie Chicks are owned by a company -- Clear Channel Communications -- whose VP has associations with the Bush Administration.

That's right...

George Bush is the equivilent of the American Adolf Hitler, and Tom Hicks is the new Joseph Goebbels, soon to be named Minister of Propagand, no doubt.

It was only a few years ago that the Times and other newspapers were excoriating Americans who were playing "connect the dots" in the Clinton Adminstrations' dealings with Communist China. (More iced tea, Mr. Vice President? It's a glass full of culpable deniability, after all.)

Apparently, though, it's fine for the Times play the Hitler card in attemting to harness the Bush adminstration's drive to free the people of Iraq from a dictator of Hitlerian proportions and prevent that regime from spreading chemical and biological weapons to like-minded states and terrorists groups.

I guess Mr. Klugman forgets that roughly 16 million Americans served in another war, 60 years ago, that pitted Americans against totaliarian agression -- Imperial Japan and Fascist Germany and Italy -- regimes that used chemical and biological weapons and warfare techniques almost indiscriminately on millions of Chinese, Koreans, Africans, and European Jews, and even some Americans unfortunate enough to be taken as prisoners of war.

In a city that's already seen the worst of what terrorism has to offer, I can only hope that the Times, Mr. Klugman, and the citizens of New York City aren't themselves treated to an introductory course in chemical and biological warfare, compliments of Saddam Hussein.

If they are, however, and this horror is visited on this nation, it won't be the Bush Adminstration that is to blame.


blah blah blah...
Dude. Paul Krugman. That says it all right there.

The man is to journalism what James Carville was to PR. He can spin anything with a perfectly straight face.

Take heart in knowing that while they can change public opinion, they can't change the facts of the war.

Naturally, I speak of the spinmeisters working for the NYT and Al-Jazeera in the same breath.

Well we've known for a long time what the "NY Times" is. I think that events will prove how wrong they are, and they can crawl back under the rock from whence they came.
Not having caged birds or young puppies, I don't have any use for the NYT so the only way I access it is online -- rarely. It's better than it was during the Clinton years, but barely.

I don't think I'd be a bit sad if both it and the Washington Post disappeared.
The NYT spin on the war was a major point tonight for Bill O'Reilly.

He apologized for lumping the NYT in with al-Jazeera in one of his comments. I don't know which of the two he was apologizing for, though. :D


Do you fish or have a cat?

Makes good wrapping paper for the former and good litterbox liner for the latter. :)
Mike Irwin, good job and things are not much better here in the "Heartland". Yesterday's KC "RED" Star had a big pic of the downed chopper surrounded by Iraquis and the headline"U.S. FORCES FEEL FURY OF LOYALISTS, STORM" Simply amazing. Here we are handing out a serious case of "whoop ***" and the front page would make Sadumb and his cronies proud.:fire: As you can plainly see, there is reason behind the label "KC RED STAR":evil: :evil:
Must have been approved by Lewis Diuguid if it was that disgustingly leftist.
the guy that runs the NYT is a screaming Marxist. I'm not the least bit surprised he confuses editorial and news coverage.

What I want to know is how much longer will this nonsense go on before the marketplace begins to exact its toll.
Wait wait wait wait wait...a minute here..

Let me see..

Hitler; killed a bunch of his own people.
Saddam, killed a bunch of his own people.

Hitler, oppressed the Jews.
Saddam, oppressed the curds.

Hitler, vowed to take over the world.
Saddam, vowed to take over the world.

Hitler, said America was the great evil.
Saddam, said America was the great evil.

Hitler, starved his own people.
Saddam, starved his own people.

Therefore, I conclude... George Bush is just like Hitler... Oh wait... The NYT must have mixed up the names...:barf:
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