Jobs in the Gun Industry?

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Mar 14, 2011
Near Gainesville, Florida
Hey everyone, this is my first post.

I'm a 16 year old student who's currently taking college classes in lieu of high school.

I've been around shooting pretty much all of my life. Last year, I got a job working at a Boy Scout summer camp (Camp Shands). I was able to work with a world class staff on the rifle range. My official position was the Rifle Range Assistant, but on the actual range I was treated as an instructor. It really whetted my appetite for shooting sports. In the fall, I went to a NRA instructor school put on by the summer camp shooting sports staff and some others (Richard Gentry, Caroline/Gerald Shelton, etc.). I got my Apprentice Instructor ranking with the NRA in Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzle loading Shotgun and Muzzle loading Rifle. I plan on working at the camp this summer, and probably the summer after that.

My main question for everyone here is this: what kinds of jobs are there in the Firearms industry? and also, what should I study to get one? Right now I'm working on my AA, but I haven't decided my major.

Any and all thanks are appreciated.
It sort of depends on what side of things you want to go into. Are you looking to work for a manufacturer or distributor, or something more hands-on in terms of actually using firearms, like an instructor?

Basically, there are all sorts of types of jobs in the firearms community. Once you decide what direction you think you'd like to take, you'll be able to start figuring out what areas of education/experience to focus on.

Good luck and welcome to THR!
Most of the job openings I seem to see are basic business openings - engineering, accounting, sales and marketing (LOTS of those), manufacturing, etc. A good business degree, coupled with a possible mechanical engineering major/minor should cover about every aspect
A double degree with business and mechanical engineering would be extremely difficult. Best to focus on one. Engineering would go a long way to getting your foot in the door at a manufacturer in the firearm industry. Remember, they are essentially factories with typical manufacturing processes so engineers are likely commonplace.

Of course, if you don't like math and science you might try some other avenues.
My main question for everyone here is this: what kinds of jobs are there in the Firearms industry?

If you like instruction, I'd recommend looking at .mil or LEO jobs as a preliminary. Some guys manage to pay the bills as full time instructors without military service or law enforcement backgrounds on their resumes, but they're few and far between and typically command lower pay than guys who were military SOF of high end LE shooters.
If you can handle the math and science of engineering, this should be your most lucrative out of the gate career path. If you cannot, the marketing and business curriculums are the route to go. However, in my experience as an engineer (not in firearm industry), the marketing teams are the first cut when economies get tight, and engineers don't really disappear if their worth a snot no matter what.

Hope this helps and good luck. Remember there are a lot of avenues here, the firearms mfr themselves like a Ruger, Sig Sauer and so forth, and then there's the munition manufacturers like Speer, Hornady, etc. Then there's reloading equipment. In short, there are a lot of options to choose from, keep them as open as possible. In my opinion, engineering is clearly one of the broadest brushes to use to target this industry for employment. But, as an engineer, I'm obviously biased.

Most accredited gunsmithing schools offer placement with almost all domestic gun manufacturers in the USA.
Mechanical and design engineers can find work in the gun manufacturing sector.

I am a machinist/gunsmith by trade and can find work in the firearm manufacturing sector without too much trouble should I wish to relocate.
Absolutely, get a mechanical engineering degree first. Really work at it. Good grades mean good recruting points... If you are in the top tier, you don't look for a job, you pick the best offer suited to your preferences from those offered by the recruters.

The extra effort in school will pay you back the rest of your life.

If you wish to get into the business end, then work on an MBA while you are working. The company I worked for paid for my MBA while I worked for them..., and graduate school is expensive.

After you have some experience, consider going into business for yourself.

A second, non-college route, could be an apprenticeship to a really good gunsmith if you can find one that will do that.
A double major will help most even if it is difficult. Design engineering and business (something like accounting or economics) probably.
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