Joplin. Cops took my gun

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How nice, your benevolent overlords decided that you hadn't annoyed them enough to throw you in the gulag!

Why the heck would you hand over a pocket knife or any other personal property willingly?

And your credibility would be a lot better if you did a bit more proofreading. Perfection isn't necessary, but seriously, the mis-spellings are so numerous they provide a distraction from the narrative.
If i was physically capable of being a "black-belt-cage-fighter" I would see no-reason to open-carry to a "PEACE" rally or a "MEMORIAL" for tornado victims,, would appear you had other intentions that day, Im assuming that "Westboro" is the despicable group that protests at service-men's funerals,and other political-rallies so im gonna assume you were there to protest their-rally also.
That being said with the POTUS nearby, Discretion should have prevailed,, IMHO
glad it worked out for ya. and those secret service guys were checking you out more on how you reacted to the questions than what you said. i learned its bad juju to play poker with them unless you have your A game ready. they are well schooled
Glad things are turning out.

I live in the Joplin Metro, and trained in the MP unit with a some of those officers in the day. The KC officer was within his purvey to do what he did, o-b-v-i-o-u-s-l-y the JPD officer exercised discretion in a manner that suited the atmosphere of OUR locality.

As a licensed CCW in MO, I'm aware there seem to be conflicts in what our exact rights are concerning OC. It's my understanding the State doesn't prohibit it - had a customer the other day with a fine 1911 on his hip doing it. The municipality of Joplin, however, does have an ordinance prohibiting the open carry of loaded weapons. This goes back past the eighties when some friends just getting into the military attended a 5K with Mauser 98K's and got shook down.

Here's the point, insisting on one's rights can and should be done, but acting without full knowledge of the law to do so leaves you vulnerable. The entire incident wouldn't have happened had you been carrying concealed legally, which is what nearly 1000 Jasper County residents have licensed themselves to do.

Wearing a gun openly without regard to the existing ordinances and near a potential parade route of our President? During a national level disaster recovery when 450 other LEO's are assisting, and dozens of others from out of town that day for Presidential security?

Officer discretion is very much the issue here, being a good ambassador of gun rights on your part I don't see anything to complain about - except the issue of timing. We should be able to carry openly whenever we please, but living in a representative republic, we also are asked by other (ignorant poorly informed and frankly dumb***) citizens not to frighten them with guns. The community as a whole elected the City Council who passed the ordinance, it sure beats living in California, but it's not Texas, either.

No doubt we both heard the details of an out of town citizen who was expressing their freedom of speech and was detained in protective custody (which likely kept him from being beaten to death,) and escorted all the way to the McDonald County line. Sometimes our fellow citizens don't respect all of our rights - being a martyr to the cause isn't always the path needed to be chosen, as you know.

Things are decompressing, give it some time. Pick the time and place when you want to oppose intrusions on our rights, it works out better with a plan in the appropriate arena of action, rather than cross accepted lines of policy that can and will be enforced.
can you show me the ordnance? ive spoken with several officers with Joplin PD including a detective and the DA they all have told me there's no law against open carry in Jasper or newton county. much less the city of joplin
they asked if i was carrying any weapons and i said yes just my tactical folder.
they took it.
then said" Dennis, ive seen your face book page, i know your not a fan of Obama"
they were polite but had my whole life story from the time i went to central America in 1988 and 1990 as a missionary. it was creepy.
they asked me if i was a member of any political associations or activist groups like the NRA and the such.
i was honest and polite, and truth be told they were very respectful and professional.
i had no problem answering any questions asked. even if there was nothing illegal about their context.
like how many guns i owned, have i ever been to another political rally.

I know you must have wanted to say "It's none of your damn business!" so bad. That's some true nanny state type interaction there. For the sake of your gun it's good that you were patient and cooperative. Now you know why I stick with CC, except around my house in the middle of no where. Don't want to be hassled by the jackboots. Happy Birthday by the way, I'm really happy to hear it worked out.
Good job.

a member of any political associations or activist groups like the NRA
Funny. I never really thought of NRA as an 'activist group'.
I generally withhold that name for freaky loud screaming obnoxious pushy activists.
Or has the NRA become that to some people?
from another thread -
Open Carry as much as you feel comfortable. i doo all the time in Joplin and neosho. anytime im asked about it most often i get "Who do you work for" and i always respond "no body, i carry for your safety and mine" then i walk away. DO NOT talk to the cops. if they force you ask then if your being detained , dont explain your self, theres NO need, and it cant help you, just keep asking politely " can i go now" if they get aggressive ask for his supervisor.

of and DO NOT attempt to remove your weapon even just to hand it over to the officer
Knowing is half the battle... Of course, the other half is violence

martialartsblackbelt - no matter how it happened, I'm glad your handgun was returned to you.....

....BUT - for some reason I feel compelled to point out that knowing WHICH "battles to fight" - and when to fight them - is SIGNIFICANT in life.

Best to you -

First the OP chastises folks for "not standing up for their rights," then gives up all of his unhesitatingly!

I'm glad it worked out, but it's hardly a "how to" on the matter.
THis is the exact problem with america, no one wants to stand up for whats right!
only caring about what affects them selves directly and not those around you.
I can respect that, but I can also respect that I have a job and kids that I'd prefer to keep. I don't care to "fight for my rights" if it involves possible charges and legal fees. I'm glad your situation turned out OK for you, but had the DA decided to press charges, the game would change bit. Even if the charges had no chance of sticking, you still have to deal with attorney fees and possibly explaining to your employer why you need a few days off work.

Suffice it to say ill be more selective with open carry and will be doing a lot more concealed carry from now on.
That's how I look at it from the start. If my laws were more clear and concise here in NC, I'd carry openly...although I'd still keep my CCW since it legally bypasses NICS here. Unfortunately, open carry is neither explicitly legal nor explicitly illegal. There is only some silly clause about "going armed to the terror of the public" which is very vaguely worded. Doesn't matter in your situation as I'm not allowed to carry a firearm period at such a public gathering.

Glad it worked out. But after looking at everything negative that might have possibly happened, I wouldn't be so quick to judge people as in the first quote. :)

The SS questions really scare the pants off of me. Evidently I throw up many, many flags that pop up on their radar. :uhoh:
next time, tell the officer your leaving, then drop the gun in your car and show back up, its not like they could prove that it was you they talked to
We make some choices that involve trade offs. I don't believe it is necessary to make choices that are "in your face" actions that get me arrested. That is especially true when I consider what is accomplished by my actions.

We will just have to disagree on what giving up your rights means. I do not think I am giving up rights to not make a point of OC when there are things happening that cause the cops or SS to be suspicious of me.

Was the trouble worth it, and what was proven that has any lasting benefit?
I agree that wisdom dictates that we choose our battles so that they accomplish something, and not to fight windmills.

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