Jose Padilla

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Nov 3, 2003
The 3rd anniversary of this US citizen's arrest at O'Hare, and subsequent detention without charges or access to an attorney is approaching.,8599,262269,00.html

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
5th Amendment to U.S. Constitution

Once again: Charge him, try him, convict him and execute him. Or let him go.
They don't need a case. They just need a President and Executive Branch willing to twist the Constitution into shapes thoroughly unnatural and a Judiciary spineless enough to let them get away with it.
What's that? You got a problem with the police just snatching American citizens off the street without so much as a warrant and holding them incommunicado indefinitely?

Whatsa matter with you? Are you some kinda commie-coddling, terrorist-sympathizing, anti-American lib'ral weenie who blames America first? Surely you aren't saying that suspected terrorists are entitled to any kind of due process, eh? Why would you want to hamstring our Fearless Leader's efforts to fight the war on terrorism?

Why do you hate Bush and America so much?

It's white guilt! :p

I'm trying to figure out when it became unpatriotic to care about the Constitution. :uhoh:
Jose Padilla is John Doe #2

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Citizens are disappearing from our streets without charges or a trial. But we are not a police state. :rolleyes:

The fact that he is (was?) a potential voter proves that this did not happen. As long as any of us can vote nothing bad can possibly happen to us unless we personally vote for it. Being a political activist grants you complete immunity from state abuse. :rolleyes:

If any of you disagree with me (on anything, not just this issue) then you have not written your legislator and are wrong. :neener:
Keeping Jose Padilla incarcerated this long without charging him is, by definition, a high crime or misdemeanor.

Simply indefensible. :fire:
You get put on a list of bad people if you want to defend the constitution? What kind of new communism is this?

Also, what the hell is a "super patriot?" Is that like a patriot that is so patriotic they begin to take their oaths seriously? Maybe the FBI is hunting for super-patriots so they can put them in Congress? We should be so lucky.

God this country is pathetic sometimes.
It's a not police state until they start housing those that dissappear in someplace like Alaska - or Montana. Until then it's just part of the process of the "War on Terror"
You are all tin foilers! Trust the govt, they would never abuse the legal system! Tin foil! Uh, Padilla was a horrible person. He probably even owned a .50 cal he was going to use to down aircraft. Uhm... Tin foil! You people obviously need to wear more tin foil! Right wing loonies with agendas, I swear!


Honestly, if he's charged with any crime, toss him before a court. Heck, with as many laws that exist on the books, everyone has to have violated something or other eventually. Keep hitting him with different charges until he cops a plea bargain. Force a confession with the promise of early parole.

Justice these days is bought, not served. If you can hire Johny Cochran, you're gonna walk. If you need a public defender, odds are you're going to prison.

It's a not police state until they start housing those that dissappear in someplace like Alaska - or Montana. Until then it's just part of the process of the "War on Terror"

I heard somewhere that reporting certain types of terrorism cases was illegal. Don't quote me on that yet, I will search around and see what the legal requirements for reporting alleged terrorists detained that happen to be US citizens. I wanna know who leaked Padilla's circumstances, and what supposed legal doctrine is actually holding him. I know that Patriot Act covers indefinite holding of aliens, but I'm not so sure about citizens.

Clickity, click

Seriously, I'm not sure what I'd think if I dug up any statutes, laws or executive orders legalizing holding citizen without trial or attorney.

I truly wonder what the soldiers that detain Padilla think. I wouldn't consider any of the officers holding the 'military tribunals' members of the US military anymore. I'm not sure what they are, but I know they're not members of the US military as they broke their oath.

What does a soldier become when he crosses over that line and becomes the domestic enemy of the Constitution? Do any of them think "Gee, maybe I'm doing something wrong."?
I'm afraid to disagree with govenment policies, or be outspoken on them.

Unless I'm supposed to.
Citizens are disappearing from our streets without charges or a trial. But we are not a police state.

While i dissagree with the detainment, and agree that it is a violation of the constitution, the fact that everyone KNOWS he was taken off the street, and that we can freely and publicly discuss and criticize that fact pretty much proves that we arent QUITE a police state just yet.

If the entire WORLD not only knows that you were arrested, but WHERE you are being held and what you are suspected of doing, then you really didnt quite 'dissapear'.
Isn't it disturbing, though, that the entire country knows, or should know, about this, and there haven't been mass protests?
Isn't it disturbing, though, that the entire country knows, or should know, about this, and there haven't been mass protests?

Its hard to drum up support for terrorists. I oppose the imprisonment as a civil rights issue, not because i have any sympathy for the person being "detained". If they were to simply charge, convict, and excecute the man, i would be fine with that.
His Constitutional rights are being violated by many people.These same people swore an oath to uphold the Constitution.I have always wondered why he was not followed.He might have led to other terrorists.That of course is allowing that what the government is saying about him is true.
While i dissagree with the detainment, and agree that it is a violation of the constitution, the fact that everyone KNOWS he was taken off the street, and that we can freely and publicly discuss and criticize that fact pretty much proves that we arent QUITE a police state just yet.

Everyone KNEW the NKVD disappeared people. It's not a police state when someone disappears and no one notices, it's a police state when everyone knows it happens and nothing happens to the authorities that 'disappear' citizens.
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