Journal from current NOLA resident. Many defense lessons to learn.

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Apr 21, 2004
East TN
Here is a journal from someone in NOLA updating with a laptop. If you want a clear picture of what happens when the usual social contract breaks down then gaze in fear here. In his words it is "Lord of the flys" there. People are shooting at the cops, robbing people on the street, doing whatever they want. Rule of the strong.

Hope you're prepared in case it ever happens in your area.

What lessons can you take from this? I think one of the most obvious is the importance of preplanning, flexability, mobility, and the ability to defend yourself and your loved ones when the SHTF
Wow. Fascinating. Gives new meaning to the term "The natives are restless."

Oh - one more thing - can we properly ascribe the term "refugee" to those individuals who were ordered to evacuate New Orleans, but did not, and are now acting like animals? I think not.

12:11 am You Want News?
New Orleans Police Department Status: The situation for the NOPD is critical. This is firsthand information I have from an NOPD officer we're giving shelter to. Their command and control infrastructure is shot. They have limited to no communication whatsoever. He didn't even know the city was under martial law until we told him! His precinct (5th Precinct) is under water! UNDER WATER -- every vehicle under water. They had to commander moving trucks like Ryder and UHaul to get around. The coroner's office is shut down so bodies are being covered in leaves at best or left where they lie at worst.

They don't even know their own rules of engagement. He says the force is impotent right now. They have no idea what's going on, no coordination, virtually no comms, etc. the National Guard is gonna air drop a radio system for them with 200 radios? They are getting very little direction.

The 3rd District bugged out to Baton Rouge because they flooded out.

His quote: "It's a zoo."

More first hand information direct from him shortly. He's trying to recover.

I am not trying to be an alarmist, but until we get a military presence of signicance in the city, the roving gangs of thugs own the streets.
The police cannot protect you. Thats the biggest lesson I've learned here.
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