Just got back from opening day archery deer seasono

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Jun 6, 2009
I just got back from opening day for archery deer season in California. Came across 7 doe and 4 fawns, but not one buck. Sometimes I just don't get it. This certain area was dense with deer period, but all of the bucks were just nowhere to be found. We hit the area early and covered miles, but no luck. I kept telling my father, "it's like they know opening day every year and when its season." He gave me the old "that's just hunting sometimes bud." Even though I was unable to harvest a buck I was in the mountains with the best father I have ever known and that's truely what the outdoors are all about!
You and your dad both had it right. Sometimes it don't matter what you do, you come home empty handed....that's why it's called hunting and not shooting. Nowadays unless you're fortunate enough to hunt a large parcel of private land with limited access most deer have already felt the pressure, after having the woods to themselves for months, from hunters scouting and settin' up stands in preparation of opening day. Believe me, anything old enough to grow horns in this situation knows what's goin' on. Many times on public land antlerless deer outnumber good bucks by 20 to 1 or more, so seeing 11 deer without seeing a horn could be the norm where you hunt. You could also be hunting too fast and being too obvious to the older more mature deer. Most days when I stalk/walk with bow or gun, the distance for the day could be measured in yards and not miles......
Yeah, it's just tough when deer are dense in a certain area, but bucks are nowhere to be found and you know they are there. I guess they wouldn't be bucks if people could easily find them. Next weekend (if i don't have to work) I'm going to go up the backside of the mountain they were on and walk all the way down the side they were feeding and beding. I'm just going to get all the scent lok on, take it real slow, and try to backdoor them. Hopefully those bucks are on the same moutain just up above the does.
I still don't get it and I'm just going to take it as you being sarcastic and wasting my time. BTW, I think you have a little too much time on your hands if you're looking through my previous post to make a point of making me understand the joke. In any case if you don't have something informing to say keep your comments to yourself please.
TW, I think you have a little too much time on your hands if you're looking through my previous post to make a point of making me understand the joke.

I'm sorry, I just remember the "woods ninja" thread and the gun/bow/handgun mastery thread where you went crazy on everyone and it makes me laugh. Please continue posting and starting more threads.
What, no big fat doe looked delicious enough?

Forgot to say good luck with the rest of your season. I hope you fulfill your goals.
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Wasn't Bambi a boy?

I hope to get a full grown Bambi here in Northern California.
Wasn't Bambi a boy:neener:

I hope to get a full grown Bambi here in Northern California
Haha you people exploit everything you can get your hands on. It's illegal to shoot a doe in California, unless it's a special hunt. Is that good enough?
Settle down blackops, Bambi was a shooter buck by the end of that movie. I think thats what he was referring to.
As you could see I started with haha. I wasn't mad, it's just funny because a lot of people on here nit pick.

I couldn't agree with you more. Not only are they aware of the time of year hunting season arrives, they know how to be elusive and avoid human contact all together.
I think it's just their guard is down during mating season (whose thoughts wouldn't be with them), and they show themselves without thinking. ;>)

Normally they're pretty secretive and elusive.
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