Just had LASIK. Wow.

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Im glad I had.......

..........mine done. Still need reading glasses but that doesn't bother me. The wife and I both had ours done back in '07. Neither one of us could adjust to bifocals. Definitely aided my shooting. Never regretted having it done.
Thanks Jason, that's what I have herd, all those things you listed, one of my main problems is halos at night, I wouln not take a chance on making them worse.
I am more in Frogs camp, when they get it down to almost perfect, I will take the plunge, meanwhile I got that coaying on my glasses that cuts down on the halo effect. The depth perception is only at night when someone is making a turn from the opposite side, insyead I just wait a little until they pass. I can actually force myself to read a document if I have to without glasses. And my distance is fine. I can read a plate a block away.
Had mine done in 2000.Finally had to get glasses again last year. Still had plenty, "left" for another procedure but opted not too. It was great while it lasted but, it made, (for me) night driving a real hazard. The light halos were bad. It took about 6-9 months for my eyes to really stablize. If I really wanted to would I do it again...Probably. I've always wondered though...Why so many of the people doing the procedures are wearing glasses!!
Forgot to mention after 19 years of wearing glasses my eye muscles fatigued very easily for the first six months or so, post-op. My vision would be super blurry by the end of the day. No issues now though.
Here is a controversial treatment that I am in the process of trying for several reasons, it just so happens that a side effect is improved vision, this is all legal and done under a doctors supervision, I had asked about it several times and he agreed that with my condition it could do some good, and the chances for a bad outcome were slim to none as long as we kept it at a minimum,

When they give you those "epidurals" they are full of hormones steroids and cortisone, we really don't know what any of that stuff does, and I have been getting them as an alternative to drugs, "like pain meds" for years.My blood work was perfect, 3 pages of tests, all because I exercise every day, and eat right. I don't think that a doctor would perscribe this for a young man, but who knows what the future holds.

HGH Improves Eyesight
Visual disturbances are more common in the elderly age groups and the use of human growth hormone has been found to provide a wide array of benefits. In addition to improving vision by enhancing the ability of papillary muscles, HGH has a critical role to play in the management of macular and retinal degeneration. Though many have indicated the need for additional research and study in this specific role of HGH, there are user testimonials and patient satisfaction reviews, which suggest that growth hormone has a pertinent and vital part to play in enhancing visual acuity. Again It's a risky thing to begin with, but I am curious to find out if my vision improves,as a side effect, if so I will post it if there is any difference.
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I have thought about it, but I read that I have to wait until my eye sight stops changing to get it done. My eyes are always getting worse, though. If this continues, I will have 1/2 inch thick lenses by the time I'm 30 years old. I cannot see gun sights without glasses unless they have white on them, and even then I can barely see if they're lined up.
Are you nearsighted or farsighted?

I'm very nearsighted, and I had the constantly-changing prescription thing going on (reached -5.0/-5.5 by age 30 or so) till finally I realized that my eyes were simply accommodating to the strain I placed on them. I'd get a new, stronger distance prescription and then proceed to do 80+ hours/wk of super closeup work, reading, etc. wearing my new, stronger distance glasses, so my eyes would gradually accommodate to make focusing easier...making my distance vision suck again...so I'd get new, stronger distance glasses and the cycle would repeat.

I finally started using an older, weaker pair of my glasses as reading/computer glasses and took care not to do close work with my distance prescription, and my eyes stopped hurting when I did close work...and they stopped changing.

Maybe that's coincidence, but since nearsightedness does seem to be associated with long-term accommodation to close focusing (which is why med school students have waaaay higher incidence than outdoor laborers), it does stand to reason that using more and more powerful distance lenses when doing close work would tend to prevent it from stabilizing. Can't say that's what happened but my eyes have actually improved about half a diopter in the decade since.

And if there is any upside to being nearsighted, it's that I'm going on 42 and can read and do intricate closeup work without glasses. :)
You want to be real carefull about doing this, I know a lady who LOST her left eye because of lasik and the eye DR that did it was highly recomended and had years of experince.
That's honestlly what scares me, I have heard this more than one time.Perhaps the way to go about it is one at a time?
Jason, that's awesome news! Of course, the not so awesome news is that now you can see all the little bits of crud hiding in the crevices of the gun that you could not see before!!! Cleaning is much quicker when you can't see dirt as clearly!!!
Jason, that's awesome news! Of course, the not so awesome news is that now you can see all the little bits of crud hiding in the crevices of the gun that you could not see before!!! Cleaning is much quicker when you can't see dirt as clearly!!!

Ha! :D

Actually, my vision up close is/was better than most. I'm a scrimshander and artist (freelance, anyway), and can see really well up close. So I could get my guns really clean, and then dirty them up again missing everything. :D

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