Just Scored some Li’Gun

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Extruded stick powders are nitrocellulose and are more stable, even though both are degrading as they age. Generally they burn cooler and more cleanly. Vihtavuori makes only extruded powders and are considered the cleanest around.
Vihtavuori 500 series rifle powders are an extruded stick powder, but they're also double base.

"Vihtavuori N500 series powders are special high energy rifle propellants enhanced with nitroglycerin for extra ballistic performance"

https://www.vihtavuori.com/powders/...e,from both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
I think after the new year prices and supplies will improve.
I think it will depend on the elections

New Mortgage are Sky high
Rent will also Sky high
Food is showing no signs of slowing

So that leaves little $$$ for consumables. But hind sight is 20/20, let see what 2023 brings. And NOTHING will surprise me
Yes i agree the midterms will have an affect. Some stuff is starting come down. Amazon shows ''price drop'' The trimmers im looking at. The Layman 35% drop and the RCBS 17% drop. I saw lumber in coming down too.
like I said a few months ago.., CASH IS KING
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