Katrina Confiscation Redux? (in Iowa)

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So in a time of major distress and dismay they are taking guns out of the homes of citizens. Good luck poor folks I hope everything turns out alright.
I'm going to go ahead and hold out hope that this one will get nipped in the bud earlier. The footage found it's way to the internet sooner, and hopefully Nawlins remains unforgotten. It's still outrageously maddening, but I'm hoping that there'll be swift and severe consequences for the originators and perpetrators of this idea.
This thread title needs to be edited for clarity so that more folks see these.
Thats not even legal, remember that bill passed a while back preventing the confiscation of fire-arms?

They shouldn't be able to do it in Iowa.
Re the first one: The video is really hard to figure out. There's not enough information to tell what's happening. First they're driving around, then entering homes, then at the end we see one tiny bit of some argument between a cop and someone in a house. Are they looking for pets at the request of home owners in the first one? Are they checking on elderly? We don't know.

Re the roadblocks, they're outrageous and probably illegal, but by the time you can get a court to hear it it's too late. The government's powers in the name of "public safety" are incredibly broad. The main lesson is after an emergency look to your own resources and DO NOT TRUST THE POLICE. DO NOT TRUST THE RED CROSS. Get the heck out of Dodge with what you can. Never under any circumstances go to one of their relocation camps. If it means you're cold, you can live with it. If you miss some meals, no big deal. Avoid all police officers. Avoid all emergency workers. Take no handouts. Refuse all assistance. AND NEVER EVER LET THEM TAKE YOUR FIREARM. If you trust them you'll find yourself essentially a prisoner of the state.

These people trusted the authorities. They left as instructed with little but the clothes on their back, TRUSTING THEY WOULD BE ABLE TO RETURN. Now they see that's not going to happen. The government OWNS THEM NOW. They are allowed at most to take what they can carry. The fact that it's not state property means nothing because the cops have the guns and the people who fled didn't bring any.
did i miss a gun confiscation in iowa?

Not yet that we can see, however it seems to be heading that general direction though from the look of some of the news reports.
We should analyze these SHTF situations (Katrina and Iowa) instead of all the other fake ones that people concoct...massive real issues here. I don't know where to begin, and I have to wait for more facts before I comment on Iowa.
I find it fascinating that the "democratic" local government's response to the mass outcry among taxpaying home owners is to refuse all entry. When push comes to shove it's us vs. them. They will close ranks and even start killing people if they have to. Logic has little to do with this. The government is at core a ruling tribe, and when they feel a real threat they'll do what they have to to remain the ruling tribe.
Not so much as a "looks like a replay of Katrina in NO in the process". They didn't start taking guns in NO until after the storm.
I don't think it's a matter of tinfoil when the blueshirts are blocking people from returning home. You cannot trust these worthless animals.
ahhh so its one of those "it coulda happened that way" tinfoil specials

Not quite, it's a "it appears to be heading that direction" discussion.

No Tin-Foil in sight except for some of the comments posted on those videos.
One video shows a lady carrying what was probably a pistol case and nobody had tackled her to confiscate it. I'll be one of those people who refuses to leave the site of Armageddon because the gov't wouldn't allow me back in afterward BUT I didn't see any reason to panic over confiscation here. I guess they are trying to prevent looting maybe?
When you have some actual news of gun confiscation this will be on topic. This thread is nothing more then alarmist speculation. Sorry we don't play that kind of game here at THR.

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