Kerry Combat Action Film

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Feb 15, 2004
The Gunshine State==FL
I served two tours in Nam as did thousands and thousands of other Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guard, a lot of us have snapshots of ourselves and buddies in light hearted "action" shots but I can't help but wonder how a very junior officer, i.e. LTjg Kerry came up with those films in his TV ads, of him trudging out of the jungle in combat gear with bandoliers of ammo hanging around his neck with his weapon carried loosely in his right hand looking like G.I. Joe. Now if that wasn't a set up production, I don't know what is. It could only have been made to amplify how brave he was during his 90 days in Nam. Surely a film he had staged and knew that one day it could be used in support of his future political ambitions. Then a few weeks after his "action movie" he is back home throwing away his "Hard Earned" medals and preaching to any one who would listen, about how evil and atrocious the war was and how he himself engaged in atrocities.
What a phoney. I repeat, WHAT A PHONEY!!!
"It could only have been made to amplify how brave he was during his 90 days in Nam."

or, "How a splinter in my arm saved me from 275 more days in 'Nam"

Dang, gunmeister, you've just coined the perfect title for that ad!:D
IMO Kerry should resign from the senate because he gave aid and comfort to the enemy during the Viet Nam war. I see him as a traitor that has no business trying to be the Commander in Chief. It's not just who gets elected what are they going to do after elected. Bush will do more for the USA than Kerry. Can't you see U.N. soldiers patroling the streets if Kerry wins?
I spent 391 days in country in '68 & 69 most about 5 - 10 miles from the DMZ as a Marine. Kerry is ( as Daffy Duck & Bugs Bunny would say) a despicable maroon!
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