Kid's Birthday Present

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Flame Red

Mar 13, 2006
My youngest just turned 16 Saturday. Like most teenagers, including me when I was his age, he wanted Dad's old truck, and to get his driver's license. Thanks to my older son's asinine escapades, and ruining my ability to get cheap insurance, he was not going to get that. So instead I gave him a lifetime membership to the NRA.

My wife says I am crazy and he would not like it. Well happily she was wrong. Although he is still hoping to get his license. He is pretty smart and realized that he was now officially part of an established organization that would (at least try) to make sure his 2A rights were still when he wants them.

Maybe it will keep him from screwing up like his older brother, who now can't inherent any of my fine guns. Birthday boy gets the picture that he will be getting them all.

I wanted to take him shooting in celebration but instead my work makes me slave (unpaid) so America can 'compete' with workers they bring over by the plane load on visas.

I don't think he knew, but my wife did, that the present actually made me happier than him. She though I was happy because birthday boy now had something I never had. But she was wrong, I am happy because we have a new official member of the community.
Great idea, I considered memberships for my children this Christmas. But they are 1, 4, and 10 and probably wouldn't understand yet. Instead, my 4 yo daughter got a pink cricket .22(she loves the time we spend together with it) and since my 10yo son got his marlin mdl 60 .22 a month earlier for his b-day, he got a breech load 410. I love the idea of them learning safe habits at the same time eliminating the "curiosity" factor. Not to mention the character building high quality 1 on 1 time we get. It is one of many steps in keeping my children safe and alive, with NRA memberships to come in the future. Besides, I like the idea of them being able to lay down cover fire while I reload when the SHTF.
Maybe it will keep him from screwing up like his older brother, who now can't inherent any of my fine guns.

Just an idea here; if you have a friend that is a FFL holder (dealer), get him to give you a blank 4473 form. Have your son read it entirely and make sure that he knows that if he can't answer all those question the intended way, that he can't own a firearm. Then explain to him that this is why he is inheriting all your firearms, and not his brother. My father did this for me, it was part of what kept me out of trouble growing up (football was the other part).

If you don't have access to a blank 4473, take him with you to the toy (gun) store, and have him read it there. Any dealer should allow you to do this if you explain why. (If one doesn't, explain to the dealer the reason why you'll never be seen in his store again and leave. There's a lot more stores that will be more than helpful for something like this. They'll treat you better in the long run.)

This may be a way to help keep his head on straight. Like I said, I'm sure that it helped me. Just one more reason will never hurt.

Just print these off.

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Yeah I always forget that you can find (just about) anything on the WWW. At least I don't have to worry about it now. With no children, and none on the way, I have at least a good 8-10 years before I need to worry about it.

Flame Red

Great idea. This past Christmas I bought my teenage daughter a Beretta Neos (her choice), along with hearing protectors, safety glasses, a spare magazine, and her own range bag. Oh yeah, and a brick of Federal Champions, which she burned through at her first range session (well it did help that I was reloading her spare magazines while she was shooting). Anyways your idea sounds like an excellent gift suggestion when her birthday comes around.
my older brother was the same as your oldest son. young, dumb, and bull headed. fotuneatly, my head was screwed on better than his. maybe it was because i got to see his mistakes first hand. in any case, i was more responsible behind the wheel than he was. maybe your second will be better behaved behind the wheel than the first.
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