King of the Hill

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Dec 26, 2002
Anyone catch tonight's episode of King of the Hill tonight? It has Peggy taking over a bookstore, but when sales are slow, she has Dale sell guns in the back. Needless to say, business is "booming."

Tuesday's special is 'Saturday Night Specials.'
My Mother ran a book and antique store in York, Pennsylvania, for about 10 years.

The building was HUGE.

I always wanted to set up bullet trap near the back wall and shoot from the front desk when business was slow. Had to be close to 75 yards.
"King of the Hill" is a Left-Liberal parody of Middle America.
I don't know - sometimes it pokes fun at "new age" parenting, "environmentalist" wackos and a host of other "left-liberal" types (including snobby Merlot-sipping book clubbies who rely on inheritance or husbands to "just write a check").

The underlying theme of the show seems to be the basic wholesomeness of "Middle American" values in the face of feel-goodie lefti-wing lunacies.

"Oh, Hank. I STILL love you" Peggy Hill, upon being told by husband Hank that he cannot shoot (guns) well.
Pretty funny, for the most part. Didn't really appreciate the inference that all gun people are either criminals, idiots or rednecks, but they weren't very overt about it. Especially liked the little bit about the suggestion about the book being about how the gubmint interferes with our private lives, "as suggested by our friend here who won't give us his real name."
Didn't really appreciate the inference that all gun people are either criminals, idiots or rednecks, but they weren't very overt about it.
Ah, but therein lies the genius. If you recall the episode, the Merlot-sipping types turned out to be snobby, but utterly uninterested in the actual reading material. Just "posers" really (as the kids would say).

The gun-toting "rednecks" turned out to be real intellectuals at the end of the episode, arguing over literary theories.
King of the Hill is a fine show. Hank is probably the best "T.V. dad" on the air today. Always a lesson in every show. Almost a modern day Leave it to Beaver.......with guns and beer.
I did wonder...

WHAT kind of 1911A1 was Dale selling for $300?? Sounds like I need to move to Arlen if that's the going rate! And later there was a Luger--don't know what vintage--that went for $600!
The other day I was just standing around with a couple of friends sippin' beer and not saying anything.
After awhile one of us says "YEP".

We all rolled on the floor laughing!
I love King of the Hill.

The best part, KOTH has had several gun related episodes where gun folks are lampooned, but they make fun of every group just about equally. But notice there has never been any sort of anti gun message ever. In Arlen, guns just are. :)
Uh...King of the Hill is a parody? :confused:'s NOT a's about people in my neighborhood...

They've changed the names and locations to protect the innocent, but it's REAL.

I'm not putting any smilies because I'm telling the truth.
In the first season Hank took Bobby shooting and he obviously owned his own rifle. Lately though, the only character who seems to own a gun or do any shooting is the paranoid Dale. In last nights episode Hank refered to the shooters in the basement as "monkeys". Last season Peggy Hill asked rhetorically:"What is a gun? A surrogate penis, right? Therefore..."
I guess my point is that the show has taken a decidedly anti-gun turn in the last two seasons.
Great show. Good episode. Come on, it's a comedy, somebody's got to be made fun of. Should it become so even-handed that it's politically correct mush? (Wife and I still laugh about a line from a couple years ago. "He just climbs on top and I think about the pretty flowers till he's done his business." Okay, maybe she laughs more.)

Non sequitur: Does the cussing smilie remind anybody else of Die Fuhrer at a rally? Regardless, tickles me.
Boomhauer plays the banjo, Dale is...well...Dale and Kahn is THE Asian dad!

I am the ultimate KOTH character.
I hazily recall an episode I saw a couple years ago where Hank tried to get Bobby involved in some sort of sport. Turned out that the only sport Bobby was any good at involved a shotgun.

Does anyone else remember that episode?
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