Knife laws and gun shows question

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Jun 4, 2010
Eastern IA
So I have this unsharpened kukri with approx an 8 inch blade that I picked up several years back. I would like to take this to the gun show today and see if I can have it professionally sharpened, as it's just been sitting around and I think it would make a handy chopping tool (there's an outfit that commonly shows up to these shows and sharpens knives for folks).

I'm a little ignorant about the knife laws in my state (Iowa), and knife laws in general, really. I do know that a knife with a blade in excess of 5 inches classifies as a dangerous weapon here. But given that it's a gun show - where many folks will be openly carrying checked, unloaded firearms; and it's not as if I would be carrying this knife concealed... would it be alright for me to take this in, or would the deputies at the door likely throw a fit?

Thanks folks.
Unknown, but if you put it in a box and show it to the folks at the door telling them you wan to get it looked at you probably won't have a problem.

If you want to be sure you should call the PD and ask and then tell the officers at the door you checked so they know you made the effort before showing up.

BTW, there are professional sharpening services that serve restaurants and you can find them listed in the yellow pages. They can put an edge of it for you and you don't have to pay the fee to get into the show.
Well I'm back, with a freshly sharpened kukri.

I left it in the car when I went to the show. When I saw plenty of other folks walking around with long blades, I figured it wouldnt be an issue. Went back out and brought it in. Deputy glanced and wasn't concerned on the way in.

Thanks for the reply.
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