Knoxville TV station has analyzed TN carry permit list...News story to air tonight.

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I am in the model the news reporter worked up where as a person most likely to have a HCP is a white, middle class, family man.

When I was going through the process to get my HCP I was not so sure I really wanted to carry. It is a lot of responsibility and in my mind I wondered if it was worth the risk of the possible civil repercussions of carrying and using a weapon in self defense.

Henry Bowman and I had opportunity to speak through PM's about a legal situation I was going through and he offered me invaluable advice in reaching the conclussion that I should put my HCP to use.

I had concerns about really needing to carry, and possible bad things that could effect my family because of my carrying. Though I am least likely to need a gun for defense I have taken the step of choosing to carry for defense.

Henry really helped me come to what I believe is right decision.
He told me simply "low probablity and high impact." Meaning that there is very low probability I will need that gun, but should I need it and not have it there may be a high impact on mine and my families quality of life afterwards.

I do not care what conclusions WBIR and John Becker have with regards to HCP. It is the responsible thing to do for my family.

The real shame is that lower income people most likely to need protection for themselves and their families are least likely to have it.

The video of the newscast is linked here
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