LaPierre still CEO of NRA

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Oct 13, 2021
NW Arkansas
Have to say I'm disappointed. Like him or not, he needs to go. He's just way to controversial at this point. I read posts all the time about either quitting the NRA because of him, or not joining. It's a shame he can't bring himself to do the right thing and resign. I'm still a member, and will continue to be, most likely. But I think they need a good shakeup at the top.
I think I fall into a majority in that the only reason I am a member is because the club requires it. I even floated an idea that if you wanted to be in the club you had to belong to a list of "approved" organizations, shot down but quick.

I personally don't know everything, I doubt any of us do, however we do all know how it looks, and he...or I should say THEY have to know how it looks, and that it is a bad thing. They need to step down, but it is a cash cow that they will hold onto till they can't. The only way he will go is if he is forced to, one way or another.

Shame too.
I think I fall into a majority in that the only reason I am a member is because the club requires it. I even floated an idea that if you wanted to be in the club you had to belong to a list of "approved" organizations, shot down but quick.

I personally don't know everything, I doubt any of us do, however we do all know how it looks, and he...or I should say THEY have to know how it looks, and that it is a bad thing. They need to step down, but it is a cash cow that they will hold onto till they can't. The only way he will go is if he is forced to, one way or another.

Shame too.
He'll be replaced feet first, then the question is; Who replaces him? Only reason I'm still a member is because I paid for a life membership, walking away would be them winning. If I was a annual member, I'd have to think long and hard about it as the Club requires NRA membership to maintain Club membership.

It's a mess, and we need a strong NRA right now.
I think I fall into a majority in that the only reason I am a member is because the club requires it. I even floated an idea that if you wanted to be in the club you had to belong to a list of "approved" organizations, shot down but quick.

I personally don't know everything, I doubt any of us do, however we do all know how it looks, and he...or I should say THEY have to know how it looks, and that it is a bad thing. They need to step down, but it is a cash cow that they will hold onto till they can't. The only way he will go is if he is forced to, one way or another.

Shame too.

Many clubs recieve grants from the NRA
The real sad thing is you could go to a dozen different "gun" sites and see the same thing over and over again. The rank and file members see this as an issue.
his suits don’t cost $20 million a month, but his Law firm and Ad agency does
He restrained himself on one particular one-day shopping excursion in Beverly Hills, spending only $39,000.

This is the guy that hired as his chief of staff a guy who'd been fired from his previous job for embezzling an estimated $1 million.

His net worth is reportedly at least $20 million.

His annual salary is reported (as of 2020) as $985,000 a year.

He takes annual vacations every year to places such as the Bahamas on the NRA's dime.

There does seem a lot of credible, verifiable information in the State of New York's lawsuit, for example the NRA’s tax filings, reported in 2019 that LaPierre received a 57 percent pay raise in 2018, increasing his overall compensation to $2.15 million. This would've been during the same three year period that the NRA had overall financial losses of some $64 million (the same sources reported his base salary was stated to be $1.3 million, and he received a bonus of $455,000. The remaining $395,000 came from "other reportable compensation.")

I did not renew my NRA membership; I'd been waiting to see if WLP would get re-elected, and sure enough, only one vote against him?

SAF/CCRKBA/GOA, heck, even the FPC (using the same aggressive scare tactics fund-raising it must have learned from the NRA) are more deserving of my contributions.
Well...another year that I won't be either re-joining the NRA or supporting them.

Honestly, it's enough to make one believe in some kind of conspiracy wherein the NRA was deliberately run afoul of all this in order to discredit them and weaken them as the RKBA lobby power we need.

The way the NRA is going, it looks like they're going to hang onto this rotting dead-weight come Hell or high water, and the heck with the organization and it's members overall.

Fortunately, there are other RKBA supporting organizations, if not so well established and known as the NRA.
And nothing will change in the NRA. The org likes to brag that they have 5 million members. WLP is the reason I am no longer a member as well as many others I know.
I have been a member for many years.
I am, currently, paid up through Feb. 2024.
I will NOT be renewing my membership when it comes up for renewal.
If you're not going to support the leading gun rights group in America what ones will you support? If any. Makes me mad that most probably choose NOT ANY!
Well, I was wondering what the result of the election was, so thanks for reporting. I'm disappointed, but I'll continue to be a member. However, any additional financial support will go elsewhere. As a matter of fact, just a couple hours ago I made additional contributions online to GOA, FPC and SAF, knowing that with things happening as they are lately means they'll be needing additional funding to increase their good works to keep our Second Amendment rights intact.
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