LaserMax Uni-Green Review - STAY AWAY POS!!!!

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Flame Red

Mar 13, 2006

I don't like post blatantly negative reviews, but in this case these people deserve it. I purchased a brand new LaserMax Uni-Green laser for a new FN 57 back in April. I mounted it on the gun and was initially pretty pleased with it on the first range trip. It really helped in full daylight. Seemed to work really well.

Upon the second range trip, I fired a few rounds and noticed that the laser turned off. Odd, I thought perhaps I accidentally bumped the switch. Nope, switch was still on. Could not make it turn on, so I tried a fresh battery. No go. So I decided to finish the mag and after the next shot, it came on. Stayed on for a few shots, then off. repeated every few shots.

So I emailed the (less than) fine people at LaserMax. After all, it was made in American and for the $300 cost, they certainly would stand behind it. They promptly answered my email and said to send it to them, which I did.

A few weeks later I get a package which I had to sign for. Inside, I find my original unit - not a replacement. No note or papers indicating what they found. So I figured, ok, I'll try it again. Same problem. They did nothing. Attempt to contact them but they will not return emails or calls. So I have no idea what gives.

I can only recommend that you stay far away from these people. They won't stand behind their products at all. May as well by some cheap Chinese crapola the way they their customers.

I want to buy American as much as the next person, but "made in America" is no silver bullet of quality. China can build most things as well as anyone, although their manufacturing is most often tasked to build as cheaply as possible.

It's always unbelievable when a company just completely blows a customer off. The generally accepted statistic is that it generally costs a business ten times as much to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Another frequently stated statistic is that a happy customer tells 1-2 people about their experience, while a disgruntled customer will tell 10. This thread has gotten 39 views already, so you're ahead of that curve.
hey thanks! i was starting to look around for a green lazer for my pig hunting escapades.

i have a NC star- and it does the same crap yours does- i only paid 15 bucks though.

im looking for a quality green lazer so i can bump fire from the hip @ swines at night.
Sorry For your bad experience..I will take your advice to heart and stay away from LMAX...Maybe someone will get the hint that bad news spreads faster than good..and treat customers like they want o be treated..
I work in a repair department and I find it difficult to believe that they did not return your call. Almost every repair department that I have ever tried to reach has repair techs that answer phone calls. Call and ask to speak to a Supervisor or Manager. As far as having no paperwork when the unit was returned to could have been an honest mistake.

I'm not trying to say that you do not have a grip, but I saw you post on the FsN forum as well.

Complaining about it to every online forum you belong to will not resolve your issue with your laser. Getting in touch with the company and speaking to the right person, will yield better results.

I have had one of their units on a Glock in the past and it functioned properly. I personally have not had to deal with their warranty.

Just some food for thought.
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I agree, I'd try customer service then move up the hill to management and see what you can do. If they don't want to stand behind their warranty then we all need to know and so does the shooting community. We in general want to buy American but it that turns out to be crap I'm willing to spend as much for quality foreign goods, if there are no other alternatives to my needs. There are several companies that are finding survival difficult due to the quality of their goods (GM comes to mind) but as a hard working citizen in a dire economy, I can't justify spending money foolishly...
Thank you for the suggestion. The reason I post this everywhere is two fold. One, I believe that other shooters need to understand products and how companies back them up. Secondly, I post them to get good ideas on how to get them resolved.

A fellow forum member over in had a similar experience. He was able to go up the chain, and supplied me with the contact email of the head of customer service that helped him get his problem resolved. I emailed him last week. He was also kind enough to forward to some other contacts he knew from his experience in LaserMax. No reply as of yet.

So do we have a pattern?
I've have one on my full size M&P357 and after 500 rounds it's still working great. Don't worry about batteries; (two LR44 stacked = one 1/3N cells) and I can buy a pack of 8 at Dollar Tree for $1.
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