Last AR-15

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May 13, 2009
The Shadow Knows...
Howdy folks. My shop sold out of Ar-15s yesterday, Friday 12/20. My primary brand is Olympic and the biggest mover is the Flat-top Plinker which have been priced at $750 for at least the last year. We get in other brands too but the Olys sell the best (Awesome Barrels!) Anyway, I had a guy back out of a layaway due to a family issue... So, I have one LAST AR-15... I'm not going to gouge my customers, these people are my neighbors and we will still share this community after the hype is over... But geeeez.. $750... It will sell in the first 5 minutes of opening tomorrow. (By the way, I had a dozen customers today comment that my local competition had $2800 on their last "Windam Arms" AR-15...) Don't know if they sold it...

So, what I was thinking, was to do and in store auction for this last rifle. Starts tomorrow, ends next Saturday. No one gets their mangina hurt and I get to sleep with a clear conscience!

Just curious how high you all think it may go? :D

Ask your customers. Tell them the rifle will be sold next Saturday, you're taking a vote as to whether it will go to the first person in line with $750 or the highest bidder. Let your local market decide whether first come, first serve or auction is more ethical in this particular circumstance.
how about instead of a auction a raffle? sell tickets and the winner buys the gun for 750 but the money for the tickets can go to your favorite charity/cause
If I was standing there tomorrow morning when you unlocked the door, then you told me wellll, I was thinking about auctioning it. I might just walk out the door never to return. But it would be perfectly within your right to do so.
Hmmm... I really didn't think it would be that bad of an idea.. Is this a difference of personality between large city thinking and small town? I tend to work on a personal relationship with my local clientele. We have fun, talk, and grouse about.. We are a small pawnshop in a cowtown, 5000 locals and 5000 college students.

I do like the silent bid idea, the charity is a good idea too- proceeds over a certain amount go to the NRA-ILA
Not in town. Just one crazy redneck out on the hill. Not me by the way. If I made a trip up there to get something, it was there, and he wouldn't sell it to me for the price on it, I might be upset. Of course I might be the kind of customer you wouldn't mind not coming around for awhile.
How about a combination of previous suggestions? Do a sealed bid auction, anything over your dealer price gets donated to a charity. Or maybe anything after cost+$50 goes to charity, you are a business trying to make a profit afterall. You don't lose any money, none of your customers will pay more than they are willing to spend, and you help out a cause.
Must be state gaming. Gun raffles are common in my state. The local chamber of commerce here gave away one per day for a month last October.

How about putting it on gunbroker, set the reserve at your usual price and announce anything over your usual goes to NRA? Locals get "free shipping".
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