Lautenberg attempting to ban high cap mags and online ammunition sales

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Aug 6, 2003
Bemidji, MN
The cyber security bill its self is dead, Schmucker is just pandering to the anti-2a he always does after a tragedy. And if by some miracle, it did pass the senate, both the bill and the amendment are dead in the house. This is even less worrisome than the now defunct UN treaty was.
The cyber security bill its self is dead, Schmucker is just pandering to the anti-2a crowd

What source says it is dead? I did a couple of searches and a lot of sources say it is moving forward (Obama wrote an editorial on it and certain industry groups are supporting it).

I am asking because I like to limit the amount of times I contact my two senators (to avoid the boy crying wolf syndrome)


No. It won't make it out of committee. And if it did, Reid won't bring it to the floor. And if it passed, sixty some-odd dem congresspeople sent a letter to the attorney general basically telling him; "Don't bother with any new gun legislation, we won't vote for it."

This is a good example of how a politician can promote something to make themself look good with absolutely no chance of it actually going anywhere.
Let's stay focused on the two specific pieces of legislation proposed by Lautenberg and not drift into other areas.

To use on the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act -

The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act works through requiring ammunition buyers who are not licensed dealers to present photo identification at the time of purchase, effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by minorities and less wealthy people.

If voters shouldn't have to go through ID verification to vote how is it now ok to require people purchasing ammunition to have an ID. This proposed legislation will discriminate against the same people that IDs for voting are supposed to discriminate against.

This legislation is biased against race and class as well as being pointless.

Who can purchase anything online without using a credit card identifying who they are?
Who can purchase ammunition online without an adult signature when delivered?
What point does this legislation serve except to exclude the poor and minorities who may not have the IDs this would require?
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